path: root/src/terminal.py
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1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/terminal.py b/src/terminal.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c43750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/terminal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+import sys, re
+class TerminalController:
+ """
+ A class that can be used to portably generate formatted output to
+ a terminal.
+ `TerminalController` defines a set of instance variables whose
+ values are initialized to the control sequence necessary to
+ perform a given action. These can be simply included in normal
+ output to the terminal:
+ >>> term = TerminalController()
+ >>> print 'This is '+term.GREEN+'green'+term.NORMAL
+ Alternatively, the `render()` method can used, which replaces
+ '${action}' with the string required to perform 'action':
+ >>> term = TerminalController()
+ >>> print term.render('This is ${GREEN}green${NORMAL}')
+ If the terminal doesn't support a given action, then the value of
+ the corresponding instance variable will be set to ''. As a
+ result, the above code will still work on terminals that do not
+ support color, except that their output will not be colored.
+ Also, this means that you can test whether the terminal supports a
+ given action by simply testing the truth value of the
+ corresponding instance variable:
+ >>> term = TerminalController()
+ >>> if term.CLEAR_SCREEN:
+ ... print 'This terminal supports clearning the screen.'
+ Finally, if the width and height of the terminal are known, then
+ they will be stored in the `COLS` and `LINES` attributes.
+ """
+ # Cursor movement:
+ BOL = '' #: Move the cursor to the beginning of the line
+ UP = '' #: Move the cursor up one line
+ DOWN = '' #: Move the cursor down one line
+ LEFT = '' #: Move the cursor left one char
+ RIGHT = '' #: Move the cursor right one char
+ # Deletion:
+ CLEAR_SCREEN = '' #: Clear the screen and move to home position
+ CLEAR_EOL = '' #: Clear to the end of the line.
+ CLEAR_BOL = '' #: Clear to the beginning of the line.
+ CLEAR_EOS = '' #: Clear to the end of the screen
+ # Output modes:
+ BOLD = '' #: Turn on bold mode
+ BLINK = '' #: Turn on blink mode
+ DIM = '' #: Turn on half-bright mode
+ REVERSE = '' #: Turn on reverse-video mode
+ NORMAL = '' #: Turn off all modes
+ # Cursor display:
+ HIDE_CURSOR = '' #: Make the cursor invisible
+ SHOW_CURSOR = '' #: Make the cursor visible
+ # Terminal size:
+ COLS = None #: Width of the terminal (None for unknown)
+ LINES = None #: Height of the terminal (None for unknown)
+ # Foreground colors:
+ # Background colors:
+ BOL=cr UP=cuu1 DOWN=cud1 LEFT=cub1 RIGHT=cuf1
+ BLINK=blink DIM=dim REVERSE=rev UNDERLINE=smul NORMAL=sgr0
+ HIDE_CURSOR=cinvis SHOW_CURSOR=cnorm""".split()
+ def __init__(self, term_stream=sys.stdout):
+ """
+ Create a `TerminalController` and initialize its attributes
+ with appropriate values for the current terminal.
+ `term_stream` is the stream that will be used for terminal
+ output; if this stream is not a tty, then the terminal is
+ assumed to be a dumb terminal (i.e., have no capabilities).
+ """
+ # Curses isn't available on all platforms
+ try: import curses
+ except: return
+ # If the stream isn't a tty, then assume it has no capabilities.
+ if not term_stream.isatty(): return
+ # Check the terminal type. If we fail, then assume that the
+ # terminal has no capabilities.
+ try: curses.setupterm()
+ except: return
+ # Look up numeric capabilities.
+ self.COLS = curses.tigetnum('cols')
+ self.LINES = curses.tigetnum('lines')
+ # Look up string capabilities.
+ for capability in self._STRING_CAPABILITIES:
+ (attrib, cap_name) = capability.split('=')
+ setattr(self, attrib, self._tigetstr(cap_name) or '')
+ # Colors
+ set_fg = self._tigetstr('setf')
+ if set_fg:
+ for i,color in zip(range(len(self._COLORS)), self._COLORS):
+ setattr(self, color, curses.tparm(set_fg, i) or '')
+ set_bg = self._tigetstr('setb')
+ if set_bg:
+ for i,color in zip(range(len(self._COLORS)), self._COLORS):
+ setattr(self, 'BG_'+color, curses.tparm(set_bg, i) or '')
+ def _tigetstr(self, cap_name):
+ # String capabilities can include "delays" of the form "$<2>".
+ # For any modern terminal, we should be able to just ignore
+ # these, so strip them out.
+ import curses
+ cap = curses.tigetstr(cap_name) or ''
+ return re.sub(r'\$<\d+>[/*]?', '', cap)
+ def render(self, template):
+ """
+ Replace each $-substitutions in the given template string with
+ the corresponding terminal control string (if it's defined) or
+ '' (if it's not).
+ """
+ return re.sub(r'\$\$|\${\w+}', self._render_sub, template)
+ def _render_sub(self, match):
+ s = match.group()
+ if s == '$$': return s
+ else: return getattr(self, s[2:-1])
+# Example use case: progress bar
+class ProgressBar:
+ """
+ A 3-line progress bar, which looks like::
+ Header
+ 20% [===========----------------------------------]
+ progress message
+ The progress bar is colored, if the terminal supports color
+ output; and adjusts to the width of the terminal.
+ """
+ BAR = '%3d%% ${GREEN}[${BOLD}%s%s${NORMAL}${GREEN}]${NORMAL}\n'
+ HEADER = '${BOLD}${CYAN}%s${NORMAL}\n\n'
+ def __init__(self, term, header):
+ self.term = term
+ if not (self.term.CLEAR_EOL and self.term.UP and self.term.BOL):
+ raise ValueError("Terminal isn't capable enough -- you "
+ "should use a simpler progress dispaly.")
+ self.width = self.term.COLS or 75
+ self.bar = term.render(self.BAR)
+ self.header = self.term.render(self.HEADER % header.center(self.width))
+ self.cleared = 1 #: true if we haven't drawn the bar yet.
+ self.update(0, '')
+ def update(self, percent, message):
+ if self.cleared:
+ sys.stdout.write(self.header)
+ self.cleared = 0
+ n = int((self.width-10)*percent)
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ self.term.BOL + self.term.UP + self.term.CLEAR_EOL +
+ (self.bar % (100*percent, '='*n, '-'*(self.width-10-n))) +
+ self.term.CLEAR_EOL + message.center(self.width))
+ def clear(self):
+ if not self.cleared:
+ sys.stdout.write(self.term.BOL + self.term.CLEAR_EOL +
+ self.term.UP + self.term.CLEAR_EOL +
+ self.term.UP + self.term.CLEAR_EOL)
+ self.cleared = 1