# Curie-Web ![Backend Tessts](https://github.com/navanchauhan/Curie-Web/workflows/Test%20Backend/badge.svg) ![Database Tests](https://github.com/navanchauhan/Curie-Web/workflows/Test%20Database/badge.svg) [![DeepSource](https://static.deepsource.io/deepsource-badge-dark-mini.svg)](https://deepsource.io/gh/navanchauhan/Curie-Web/?ref=repository-badge) Tested on: * macOS 10.15 (Catalina) * Ubuntu 20.04 - Raspberry Pi 4 **Do Not Forget To Change DB Host configuration!** ## 1. Installing Dependencies ### 1.1 Docker Once you have installed docker, make sure to pull the following images (Otherwise, these will automatically get downloaded when you run the web-server) * navanchauhan/curie-cli (amd64/aarch64) * navanchauhan/usd-from-gltf (aarch64) * leon/usd-from-gltf (amd64) ### 1.2 PLIP Install from [pharmai/plip](https://github.com/pharmai/plip). In case you have problems installing it, install it from the forked repo [navanchauhan/plip](https://github.com/navanchauhan/plip) ### 1.3 PyMOL with Python Bindings (version >= 2.0) * macOS users can use Homebrew to install it via `brew install pymol` * Users using apt can install it via `sudo apt install pymol` ### 1.4 Open-Babel (version >= 3.0) macOS users can use Homebrew to install it via `brew install open-babel` Users using apt can install it via `sudo apt install openbabel python3-openbabel` ## 2. Changing the Configuration Replace the values in `app/__init__.py`, `app/dock-single.py` and `app/dock-docker.py` ## 3. Enabling LSTM Generator Open `app/views.py` Make sure you have installed Tensorflow. Replace the following: ```python tfWorking = 0 ``` with ```python tfWorking = -1 ``` ## 4. Adding AR Model Support Make sure you have PyMOL 2.0 or higher Either download the precompiled binaries from [COLLADA2GLTF](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/COLLADA2GLTF) or compile it on your own Once you have the `COLLADA2GLTF-bin` file, run the following: ``` cp COLLADA2GLTF-bin /usr/local/bin/collada2gltf ``` ## Running ### Without FastAPI `gunicorn api:app -b ""` ### With FastAPI `gunicorn api:app -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -b ""`