Ketcher is a tool to draw molecular structures and chemical reactions.

Ketcher Overview

Ketcher is a tool to draw molecular structures and chemical reactions. Ketcher operates in two modes, the Server mode with most functions available and the client mode with limited functions available.

Ketcher consists of the following elements:

Note : Depending on the screen size, some tools on the Tool palette can be displayed in expanded or collapsed forms.

Using the Tool palette, you can

To select one atom or bond, click Lasso or Rectangle Selection tool, and then click the atom or bond.

To select the entire structure:

To select multiple atoms, bonds, structures, or other objects, do one of the following:

Note : Ctrl+Shift-click with the Lasso or Rectangle Selection tool selects several structures.

You can use the buttons of the Main toolbar:

Note : Layout, Clean Up, Aromatize / Dearomatize, Calculate CIP, Check Structure, Calculated Values, Recognize Molecule and 3D View buttons are active only in the Server mode.

3D Viewer

The structure appears in a modal window after clicking on the 3D Viewer button:

You can perform the following actions:

Ketcher Settings allow to change the appearance of the structure and background coloring.

“Lines” drawing method, “Bright” atom name coloring method and “Light” background coloring are default.

Drawing Atoms

To draw/edit atoms you can:

Drawing Bonds

To draw/edit bonds you can:

Drawing R-Groups

Use the R-Group toolbox to draw R-groups in Markush structures:

Selecting the R-Group Label Tool and clicking on an atom in the structure invokes the dialog to select the R-Group label for a current atom position in the structure:

Selecting the R-Group label and clicking OK converts the structure into a Markush structure with the selected R-Group label:

Note : You can choose several R-Group labels simultaneously:

Particular chemical fragments that may be substituted for a given R-Group form a set of R-Group members. R-Group members can be any structural fragment, including functional groups and single atoms or atom lists.

To create a set of R-Group members:

  1. Draw a structure to become an R-Group member.

  2. Select the structure using the R-Group Fragment Tool to invoke the R-Group dialog; in this dialog select the label of the R-Group to assign the fragment to.

  3. Click on OK to convert the structure into an R-Group member.

An R-Group attachment point is the atom in an R-Group member fragment that attaches the fragment to the initial Markush structure.

Selecting the Attachment Point Tool and clicking on an atom in the R-Group fragment converts this atom into an attachment point. If the R-Group contains more than one attachment point, you can specify one of them as primary and the other as secondary. You can select between either the primary or secondary attachment point using the dialog that appears after clicking on the atom:

If there are two attachment points on an R-Group member, there must be two corresponding attachments (bonds) to the R-Group atom that has the same R-Group label. Clicking on OK in the above dialog creates the attachment point.

Schematically, the entire process of the R-Group member creation can be presented as:

R-Group Logic

Ketcher enables one to add logic when using R-Groups. To access the R-Group logic:

  1. Create an R-Group member fragment as described above.

  2. Move the cursor over the entire fragment for the green frame to appear, then click inside the fragment. The following dialog appears:

  3. Specify Occurrence to define how many of an R-Group occurs. If an R-Group atom appears several times in the initial structure, you will specify Occurrence">n", n being the number of occurrences; if it appears once, you see "R1 > 0".

  4. Specify H at unoccupied R-Group sites ( RestH ): check or clear the checkbox.

  5. Specify the logical Condition. Use the R-Group condition If R(i) Then to specify whether the presence of an R-Group is dependent on the presence of another R-Group.

Marking S-Groups

To mark S-Groups, use the S-Group tool and the following dialog that appears after selecting a fragment with this tool:

Available S-Group types:


Generic is a pair of brackets without any labels.

Multiple group

A Multiple group indicates a number of replications of a fragment or a part of a structure in contracted form.

SRU Polymer

The Structural Repeating Unit (SRU) brackets enclose the structural repeating of a polymer. You have three available patterns: head-to-tail (the default), head-to-head, and either/unknown.


An abbreviated structure (abbreviation) is all or part of a structure (molecule or reaction component) that has been abbreviated to a text label. Structures that you abbreviate keep their chemical significance, but their underlying structure is hidden. The current version can't display contracted structures but correctly saves/reads them into/from files.

Data S-Groups

The Data S-Groups Tool is a separate tool for comfortable use with the accustomed set of descriptors (like Attached Data in Marvin Editor).

You can attach data to an atom, a fragment, a single bond, or a group. The defined set of Names and Values is introduced for each type of selected elements:

Changing Structure Display

Use the Flip/Rotate tool to change the structure display:

For the full screen format, the Flip/Rotate tool is split into separate buttons:

Rotate Tool

This tool allows rotating objects.

Select any bond on the structure and click Alt+H to rotate the structure so that the selected bond is placed horizontally. Select any bond on the structure and click Alt+V to rotate the structure so that the selected bond is placed vertically.

Flip Tool

This tool flips the objects horizontally or vertically.

Drawing Reactions

To draw/edit reactions you can

Note : Reaction Auto-Mapping Tool is available only in the Server mode.

Templates toolbar

You can add templates (rings or other predefined structures) to the structure using the Templates toolbar together with the Custom Templates button located at the bottom:

To add a ring to the molecule, select a ring from the toolbar and click inside the drawing area, or click on an atom or a bond in the molecule.

Rules of using templates:

Note : The added template will be fused by the default attachment atom or bond preset in the program.

Note : User is able to define the attachment atom and bond by clicking the Edit button for template structure.

The Custom Templates button invokes the scrolling list of templates available in the program; both built-in and created by user:

To create a user template:

Working with Files

Ketcher supports the following molecular formats that can be entered either manually or from files:

You can use the Open… and Save As… buttons of the Main toolbar to import a molecule from a molecular file or save it to a supported molecular file format. The Open Structure dialog enables one to either browse for a file (Server mode) or manually input, e.g., the Molfile ctable for the molecule to be imported:

The Save Structure dialog enables one to save the molecular file:

Note : In the standalone version only mol/rxn are supported for Open and mol/rxn/SMILES for Save.


You can use keyboard hotkeys (including Numeric keypad) for some features/commands of the Editor. To display the hotkeys just place the cursor over a toolbar button. If a hotkey is available for the button, it will appear in brackets after the description of the button.

Key Action
Esc Switching between the Lasso/Rectangle/Fragment Selection tools
Del Delete the selected objects
0 Draw Any bond.
1 Single / Single Up / Single Down / Single Up/Down bond. Consecutive pressing switches between these types.
2 Double / Double Cis/Trans bond
3 Draw a triple bond.
4 Draw an aromatic bond.
5 Charge Plus/Charge Minus
A Draw any atom
H Draw a hydrogen
C Draw a carbon
N Draw a nitrogen
O Draw an oxygen
S Draw a sulfur
F Draw a fluorine
P Draw a phosphorus
I Draw an iodine
T Basic templates. Consecutive pressing switches between different templates
Shift+t Open template library
Alt+r Rotate tool
Alt+v Flip vertically
Alt+h Flip horizontally
Ctrl+g S-Group tool / Data S-Group tool
Ctrl+d Align and select all S-Group data
Ctrl+r Switching between the R-Group Label Tool/R-Group Fragment Tool/Attachment Point Tool
Ctrl+Shift+r R-Group Fragment Tool
Ctrl+Del Clear canvas
Ctrl+o Open
Ctrl+s Save As
Ctrl+z Undo
Ctrl+Shift+z Redo
Ctrl+x Cut selected objects
Ctrl+c Copy selected objects
Ctrl+v Paste selected objects
+ Zoom In
- Zoom Out
Ctrl+l Layout
Ctrl+Shift+l Clean Up
Ctrl+p Calculate CIP
? Help

Note : Please, use Ctrl+V to paste the selected object in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Note 2 : Probably, you have forbidden access to the local storage. If you are using IE10 or IE11 and didn’t forbid access to local storage intentionally, you can pay attention here: