import pandas as pd import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename from datetime import datetime from ttkwidgets import ScrolledListbox import sv_ttk import darkdetect import os from os import path canadian_companies = [] def pyramid_list(lst, sort_canadian=True): old_lst = lst top = [] bottom = [] for idx, company in enumerate(lst): if idx==0: top.append(company) else: if company in canadian_companies: bottom.append(company) else: top.append(company) lst = top + bottom i = 0 rows = 0 pyramid = [] # Figure out the number of rows while i < len(lst): rows += 1 i += rows # Generate the pyramid i = 0 for r in range(1, rows+1): row = [] for j in range(r): if i < len(lst): row.append(lst[i]) i += 1 pyramid.append(row) if len(pyramid) >= 2: if len(pyramid[-1]) < len(pyramid[-2]): pyramid[-2].extend(pyramid[-1]) pyramid.pop() print("Checking for canadian companies") print(canadian_companies) if len(pyramid) > 2: print("Pyramid has more than two rows, checking to ensure Canadian companies are at the bottom") print(len(pyramid[-1]) - len(pyramid[-2])) for row in pyramid: print(len(row)) print(row) if ((len(pyramid[-1]) - len(pyramid[-2])) > 1): print("Last two rows can be balanced if needed") for _ in range((len(pyramid[-1]) - len(pyramid[-2]))-1): company_to_add = None company_idx = 0 for idx, company in enumerate(pyramid[-1]): print(f'Checking {company}') if company not in canadian_companies: company_to_add = company company_idx = idx print(f'Shifting {company_to_add}') if company_to_add is not None: pyramid[-1].pop(company_idx) pyramid[-2].append(company_to_add) for _ in range(4): if len(pyramid) > 2: if len(pyramid[-1]) < len(pyramid[-2]): pyramid[-3].append(pyramid[-2][-1]) pyramid[-2].pop(-1) for _ in range(3): if len(pyramid) > 4: if len(pyramid[-2]) < len(pyramid[-3]): pyramid[-4].append(pyramid[-3][0]) pyramid[-3].pop(0) return pyramid class CompanySelector: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.master.title("Company Selector") self.master.geometry("600x600") self.select_file_button = ttk.Button(self.master, text="Select Excel File", command=self.load_file) self.select_file_button.pack(pady=250) def load_file(self): file_path = askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Excel files", "*.xlsx *.xls")]) if not file_path: return self.df = pd.read_excel(file_path) self.df = self.df[self.df['Company Name'].notna()] self.df = self.df[self.df['Symbol'].notna()] self.show_companies() def show_companies(self): self.select_file_button.pack_forget() self.master.geometry("") self.master.resizable(width=False, height=False) width=600 height=500 screenwidth = self.master.winfo_screenwidth() screenheight = self.master.winfo_screenheight() alignstr = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (width, height, (screenwidth - width) / 2, (screenheight - height) / 2) self.master.geometry(alignstr) self.master.title("UCS Pyramid Builder") self.company_listbox = ScrolledListbox(self.master, selectmode=tk.MULTIPLE, exportselection=False, height=20),y=20,width=235,height=457) #self.company_listbox.pack(expand=True) for ticker, company in zip(self.df["Company Name"],self.df["Symbol"]): self.company_listbox.listbox.insert(tk.END, f' {company} - {ticker}') # bind the listbox to an onselect event self.company_listbox.listbox.bind('<>', self.onselect) self.num_companies_selected_label = ttk.Label(self.master, text="0", font='SunValleyBodyStrongFont 18 bold'),y=320,width=30,height=30) self.companies_label = ttk.Label(self.master, text="Companies Selected", font='SunValleyBodyStrongFont 18'),y=320,width=200, height=30) self.pyramid_title_string = tk.StringVar() self.pyramid_title_string.set(f"Copyright (2004-{}) by Gentry Capital Corporation") #self.pyramid_title = ttk.Entry(self.master, textvariable=self.pyramid_title_string) #self.pyramid_title.pack() self.customization_label = ttk.Label(self.master, text="Customization", font='SunValleyBodyStrongFont 12 bold'), y=20, width=100, height=20) self.options_label = ttk.Label(self.master, text="Options", font='SunValleyBodyStrongFont 12 bold'), y=150, width=100, height=20) self.prepared_for_string = tk.StringVar() self.prepared_for_entry = ttk.Entry(self.master, textvariable=self.prepared_for_string),y=50,width=195,height=30) self.prepared_for_label = ttk.Label(self.master, text="Prepared For"),y=50,width=132,height=30) self.advisor_string = tk.StringVar() self.advisor_entry = ttk.Entry(self.master, textvariable=self.advisor_string),y=90,width=195,height=30) self.advisor_label = ttk.Label(self.master, text="Advisor"),y=90,width=132,height=30) self.generate_pyramid_var = tk.IntVar() self.generate_pyramid_var.set(1) self.generate_pyramid_checkbx = ttk.Checkbutton(self.master, text="Generate Pyramid Image", onvalue=1, offvalue=0, variable=self.generate_pyramid_var),y=180, width=329, height=30) self.generate_word_doc = tk.IntVar() self.generate_word_doc.set(0) self.generate_word_doc_checkbx = ttk.Checkbutton(self.master, text="Generate Description Document", onvalue=1, offvalue=0, variable=self.generate_word_doc),y=220, width=329, height=30) self.create_pyramid_button = ttk.Button(self.master, text="Create", command=self.create_pyramid) #self.create_pyramid_button.pack(),y=450,width=150,height=30) self.reset_button = ttk.Button(self.master, text="Reset", command=self.reset_fields), y=450, width=150, height=30) def onselect(self, evt): w = evt.widget num_selected = len(w.curselection()) self.num_companies_selected_label.config(text=f"{num_selected}") def reset_fields(self): self.generate_word_doc.set(0) self.generate_pyramid_var.set(1) self.prepared_for_string.set("") self.advisor_string.set("") self.company_listbox.listbox.selection_clear(0,'end') self.num_companies_selected_label.config(text="0") def create_pyramid(self): selected_companies_tmp = [self.company_listbox.listbox.get(index) for index in self.company_listbox.listbox.curselection()] selected_companies = [x.split(" - ")[0].strip() for x in selected_companies_tmp] selected_df = self.df[self.df["Symbol"].isin(selected_companies)].sort_values(by="Weighting", ascending=False) #pyramid_file_path = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".xlsx", filetypes=[("Excel files", "*.xlsx *.xls")]) image_file_path = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".png", filetypes=[("Image files","*.png")]) company_scores = {} # For each 'Company Name', company_scores[company] = 'Weighting' for that company for company, ticker, weighting, dividend, currency in zip(selected_df["Company Name"], selected_df["Symbol"], selected_df["Weighting"], selected_df["Dividend?"], selected_df["Currency"]): extra_char = "" if dividend.strip() == "Y": extra_char = "*" if currency == "CAD": canadian_companies.append(f'{company} ({ticker}){extra_char}') company_scores[f'{company} ({ticker}){extra_char}'] = weighting from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import math # Sort the dictionary by score in ascending order company_scores = {k: v for k, v in sorted(company_scores.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])} # Group the companies by their scores pyramid = {i: [] for i in range(1, 7)} for company, score in company_scores.items(): pyramid[score].append(company) # Initialize some parameters img_width = 3300 pyramid_width = 3000 img_height = 1550 #2550 overall_height = 2550 block_color = (3, 37, 126) # Blue color dividend_color = block_color #(1,50,32) # Green color font_color = (255, 255, 255) # White color normal_block = (3, 37, 126) # Dark Blue padding = 15 # Padding around blocks radius = 10 logo_padding = 100 # top padding for logo pyramid_padding_bottom = 350 # bottom padding for pyramid max_companies_in_row = 5 base_path = "assets" primary_font = path.join(base_path, "baskerville.ttf") secondary_font = path.join(base_path, "gill_sans_bold.ttf") # Group the companies by their scores pyramid = {} for company, score in company_scores.items(): if score not in pyramid: pyramid[score] = [] pyramid[score].append(company) # Sort the pyramid keys in ascending order to have a pyramid shape sorted_keys = sorted(pyramid.keys()) companies = [] for key in sorted_keys: if pyramid[key] == []: continue if len(pyramid[key])<=max_companies_in_row: companies.append(pyramid[key]) else: temp_list = [] for x in range(len(pyramid[key])//max_companies_in_row): temp_list.append(pyramid[key][x*max_companies_in_row:max_companies_in_row]) temp_list.append(pyramid[key][::-1][:len(pyramid[key])%max_companies_in_row]) for row in temp_list[::-1]: if row != []: companies.append(row) everything_list = [] for row in companies: if row == []: continue for company in row: everything_list.append(company) companies = everything_list companies = pyramid_list(companies) for company_row in companies: print(company_row) # Calculate the maximum number of companies in a group (this will be the width of your pyramid) max_companies = max(len(row) for row in companies) #max(len(v) for v in pyramid.values()) # Calculate the total number of groups (the height of your pyramid) total_groups = len(companies) #len(pyramid) # Calculate the size of each block based on the width and height of the image and the number of blocks block_size = min((pyramid_width - padding) // max_companies - padding, (img_height - padding) // total_groups - padding) # Calculate the size of each block based on the width and height of the image and the number of blocks block_width = (pyramid_width - padding) // max_companies - padding block_height = (img_height - padding) // total_groups - padding # Calculate the total width and height of the blocks (including padding) total_width = max_companies * (block_width + padding) total_height = total_groups * (block_height + padding) # Calculate the starting position for the first block start_x = (pyramid_width - total_width) // 2 start_y = (img_height - total_height) // 2 # Create an image big enough to hold the pyramid img ='RGB', (pyramid_width, img_height), "white") d = ImageDraw.Draw(img) def wrap_text(text, max_length): words = text.split() lines = [] current_line = [] for word in words: if len(' '.join(current_line + [word])) <= max_length: current_line.append(word) else: lines.append(' '.join(current_line)) current_line = [word] lines.append(' '.join(current_line)) return '\n'.join(lines) min_font_size = 100_000_000 for i, row in enumerate(companies): for j, company in enumerate(row): font_size = min(block_width // (len(company) // 2 + 1), block_height // 2) if font_size < min_font_size: min_font_size = font_size num_dividends = 0 # Loop over each level of the pyramid for i, row in enumerate(companies): for j, company in enumerate(row): # Calculate the position of the block x = start_x + j * (block_width + padding) + (max_companies - len(row)) * (block_width + padding) // 2 y = start_y + i * (block_size + padding) # Calculate the color of the block if company[-1] == "*": block_color = dividend_color num_dividends += 1 else: block_color = normal_block # Draw the block d.rounded_rectangle([x, y, x + block_width, y + block_height], fill=block_color, radius=radius) # Adjust font size based on the length of the company name and block size font_size = min_font_size #min(block_width // (len(company) // 2 + 1), block_height // 2) fnt = ImageFont.truetype(secondary_font, font_size) # Implement word wrap for the company name wrapped_company = wrap_text(company, (block_width // font_size)*1.5) # Draw the company name bbox = d.textbbox((x, y), wrapped_company, font=fnt) text_width = bbox[2] - bbox[0] text_height = bbox[3] - bbox[1] text_x = x + (block_width - text_width) // 2 text_y = y + (block_height - text_height) // 2 d.text((text_x, text_y), wrapped_company, font=fnt, fill=font_color, align='center', spacing=10) print(image_file_path) # Save the image if not image_file_path: return image_logo ="./assets/GentryCapitalRGB.jpg") _, l_height = image_logo.size new_img ="RGB", (img_width, l_height), "white") left = (new_img.width - image_logo.width) // 2 top = (new_img.height - image_logo.height) // 2 new_img.paste(image_logo, (left, top)) final_img ="RGB", (img_width, overall_height), "white") final_img.paste(new_img, (0, logo_padding)) text1 = self.pyramid_title_string.get() text2 = f"({num_dividends} Dividend payors - all identified by asterisk)" text3 = "FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY" text4 ="%B %d, %Y") text5 = "" if self.prepared_for_string.get() != "": print(f"Prepared for string present - {self.prepared_for_string.get()}") text5 += f"Prepared for {self.prepared_for_string.get()}" if self.advisor_string.get() != "": advisor = self.advisor_string.get() if text5 != "": tmp_var = [text5, f"By {advisor}"] text5 = tmp_var else: text5 = f"By {advisor}" print(text5) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(final_img) font_size = 60 font1 = ImageFont.truetype(primary_font, font_size) text_width1 = draw.textlength(text1, font=font1) while text_width1 > final_img.width: font_size -= 1 font1 = ImageFont.truetype(primary_font, font_size) text_width1 = draw.textlength(text1, font=font1) font2_size = font_size - 10 font2 = ImageFont.truetype(primary_font, font2_size) text_width2 = draw.textlength(text2, font=font2) while text_width2 > final_img.width: font_size -= 1 font2 = ImageFont.truetype(primary_font, font2_size) text_width2 = draw.textlength(text2, font=font2) new_font_size = 30 font3 = ImageFont.truetype(secondary_font, new_font_size) _,t,_,b = draw.textbbox((100,100), text3, font=font3) while (b-t) < (0.4*pyramid_padding_bottom): new_font_size += 1 font3 = ImageFont.truetype(secondary_font, new_font_size) _,t,_,b = draw.textbbox((100,100), text3, font=font3) text_width3 = draw.textlength(text3, font=font3) while text_width3 > (final_img.width*0.8): new_font_size -= 1 font3 = ImageFont.truetype(secondary_font, new_font_size) text_width3 = draw.textlength(text3, font=font3) _,t,_,b = draw.textbbox((100,100),text3,font=font3) font4_size = font2_size - 5 font4 = ImageFont.truetype(primary_font, font4_size) text_width4 = draw.textlength(text4, font=font4) start_x1 = (final_img.width - text_width1) // 2 start_y1 = image_logo.height + logo_padding + 50 start_x2 = (final_img.width - text_width2) // 2 start_y2 = image_logo.height + logo_padding + 125 start_x3 = (final_img.width - text_width3) // 2 start_y3 = (final_img.height - pyramid_padding_bottom + ((pyramid_padding_bottom)-(b-t))//2) start_x4 = (final_img.width - text_width4) - 150 start_y4 = logo_padding + 30 start_x5 = 150 start_y5 = start_y4 draw.text((start_x1, start_y1), text1, font=font1, fill="black") draw.text((start_x2, start_y2), text2, font=font2, fill="black") draw.text((start_x3, start_y3), text3, font=font3, fill=(158,161,162)) draw.text((start_x4, start_y4), text4, font=font4, fill="black") if type(text5) == str: draw.text((start_x5, start_y5), text5, font=font4, fill="black") else: for idx, text2write in enumerate(text5): draw.text((start_x5, start_y5 + (idx*69)), text2write, font=font4, fill="black") final_img.paste(img, ((img_width-pyramid_width)//2, l_height + (overall_height - l_height - img_height) - pyramid_padding_bottom) ) # draw = ImageDraw.Draw(final_img) # watermark_text = "FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY" # watermark_font = ImageFont.truetype(secondary_font, 72) # watermark_width = draw.textlength(watermark_text, watermark_font) # draw.text( # ((final_img.width - watermark_width)//2,overall_height-pyramid_padding_bottom), # watermark_text, # font=watermark_font, # align='center' # ) """if not pyramid_file_path: return with pd.ExcelWriter(pyramid_file_path) as writer: selected_df.to_excel(writer, index=False)""" #self.master.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": import sentry_sdk sentry_sdk.init( dsn="", # Set traces_sample_rate to 1.0 to capture 100% # of transactions for performance monitoring. # We recommend adjusting this value in production. traces_sample_rate=1.0 ) root = tk.Tk() app = CompanySelector(root) sv_ttk.set_theme("dark") if darkdetect.isLight(): sv_ttk.set_theme("light") root.mainloop()