#!/bin/bash #set -x account=$1 if [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then echo Pwned Help echo Usage : echo -e "pwned -h \t /Shows Help" echo -e "pwned title@email.com \t \t /Gives Information " exit fi clear echo "Using Email $account" echo "If it is not in the format test@mail.com" echo "then press Ctrl+C and put it in the correct format" echo "Press enter to continue" read nothing echo "Checking if you have been Pwned" curl -s -o raw_data.json "https://haveibeenpwned.com/api/v2/breachedaccount/"$account"" clear jq ".[]" raw_data.json > semi.json jq .Title semi.json > final.txt echo "You Have Been Pwned at/in/by" sed 's/\"//g' final.txt