path: root/docs/_pages
diff options
authorNavan Chauhan <navanchauhan@gmail.com>2020-07-24 11:57:23 +0530
committerNavan Chauhan <navanchauhan@gmail.com>2020-07-24 11:57:23 +0530
commit210fca3a77b9043e0f2c608e1eaff6f2ec37cdf3 (patch)
tree34123e1c92d6cae2a4435161f68991ebe7b89a64 /docs/_pages
parent54b0e8a12bdc9c7aef52a1629641b6b1137277a6 (diff)
added landing page
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/_pages')
2 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/_pages/changelog.md b/docs/_pages/changelog.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f91d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_pages/changelog.md
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+layout: page
+title: What's New
+include_in_header: true
+# Changelog
+Here you can keep a changelog for your app. Edit the markdown based CHANGELOG.md which is located in the _pages directory. The changelog below is simply an example changelog that serves to exemplify how the markdown can be used. You can be as creative as you want with the markdown.
+### `Latest`
+# **Version 2.0**
+This is the first update to our app. Jeez **goodness** by kept more sensually a much far proper exotically precise [here is a link](https://www.google.com) and and illicit hey uninspiring the more sat honey knelt before before bearish bowed lorikeet wolf grandly instead diligently and rhinoceros imperative.
+#### What's New
+- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
+- [Changes to Privacy Policy](/privacypolicy)
+#### Bug Fixes
+- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
+- [Changes to Privacy Policy](/privacypolicy)
+### **Version 2.1**
+Abnormal and formidable against much the before well improper more spent far heron amicably iguana plainly swanky upon mammoth **much paid darn some tapir** some glared save crud more regarding one accommodating gosh cannily and on hungry a more goodness inside merry yikes wedded versus because some a a a shined anteater goldfinch jeez up so and this this a.
+#### What's New
+- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
+- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
+### `Initial Release`
+# **Version 1.0**
+Cracked a more and iguana a without some echidna a abnormal hello and beat thanks jeepers gnu jeepers until up depending for drooled awfully angelfish relentless much a well wasp some in impala darn and overate greedily wow kookaburra beneath much wistful fluid until and lemming less armadillo redoubtable after much capybara wow that hence interbred timorous loosely oh divisively wherever because jeepers until since as that goodness roadrunner insanely belated physic jeepers hey jeepers much the beside steadfastly up toward indubitably this goodness playful.
+## **Version 1.1**
+Abnormal and formidable against much the before well improper more spent far heron amicably iguana plainly swanky upon mammoth **much paid darn some tapir** some glared save crud more regarding one accommodating gosh cannily and on hungry a more goodness inside merry yikes wedded versus because some a a a shined anteater goldfinch jeez up so and this this a.
+#### What's New
+- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
+- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
+## Version 1.0.1
+That wow robin one and gosh audibly darn that variously less across softly awakened under affectingly wildebeest from jeepers far contemplated and indisputably clung jeepers much mistaken some after mumbled hey certain neatly far alas more trod the swelled rolled permissively so save pert the tapir paradoxical off so then juggled crud a however overslept vehemently kept indisputably anteater walked alas or into.
+#### What's New
+- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
+- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
+- Much far proper exotically precise unaccountable.
+#### Bug Fixes
+- Improved user sign up experience.
+- Unlike deliberately zebra hen oh jeez understandable. Alas and quit oh snooty unlike deliberately.
+<br> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_pages/privacypolicy.md b/docs/_pages/privacypolicy.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe753f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_pages/privacypolicy.md
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+layout: page
+title: Privacy Policy
+include_in_header: false
+**Last updated**
+August 1 2019
+# Privacy Policy
+Submissive a when owing much far bawdy thanks impolitely alas overlaid one and this one chuckled darn on more due much misheard amused far far the much purposeful that wildebeest dalmatian and piranha bluebird this and much despite however much sincere nonsensical this paradoxically more.
+**Please note:** This is purely a dummy Privacy Policy that serves as an example for how you can use this app landing page generator. Please replace the contents with your own privacy policy.
+## 1.0 Information We Collect
+Far near but lighted walking far oyster hello kneeled flung and roadrunner and more witless narrowly flexed brokenly blandly much in famous jeez obsessive that.
+### 1.1 Information from third parties
+- Ouch until smirked some some newt that at frustrating.
+- Nimbly handsomely fabulously python.
+- Alas informally taped when a dear some.
+### 1.2 Information you provide to us
+Menacingly much walrus far together derisive falcon the toneless unceremoniously yet yikes a hung when because far drooled cast amused naughtily quiet hare a thickly more dogged drank more this dismounted since hence nakedly jeez rolled far gerbil the hey puerilely where vociferously struck insane much twitched instead some beneath then wiped dull snuffed far jeez nightingale bit goodness obscurely quit that much yet nefarious careless some concrete shrewdly gull closed this hugged aboard.
+## 2.0 What Personal Information we collect about you and how we collect it
+Where cut one reproachful alas ambiguous helpful hen raucous editorial underwrote dubiously therefore this boastfully or possessively oh modest amidst some opposite far wasp grew emu snickered some jeepers and circa much that *equitable* foul camel caudally oh opossum far dear met far much close hello beheld facetious far goodness tidily reindeer that kiwi thus crud that paid and by titilatingly hey falcon lemming or well approving sympathetically groundhog mongoose and deeply peaceful wow ouch far regally this and near and badly fatal blunt mischievously and and the blew.
+### 2.1 Third Parties we collect information from
+Various remotely save this querulously explicitly one this and far congenially broad grew said or abhorrently haltered darn beheld panther shrank and one goldfish the more away as much different moth.
+| Third Party | What is it used for? |
+| :--- | :--- |
+| Falcon | Tidily reindeer that kiwi thus crud that paid and by titilatingly hey falcon lemming. |
+| Eagle | Juggled crud a however overslept vehemently kept indisputably anteater walked alas or into. |
+## 3.0 What rights do you, as the data subject, have
+This goodness well well and more cowardly lynx credibly more apart save and less oh examined ouch marginal growled and proper liberally salmon busy some while pointed far because understood.
+1. Boastfully or possessively oh modest amidst.
+2. Far far the much purposeful that wildebeest dalmatian.
+3. Adamant or pushed less far overthrew.
+All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
+## 4.0 How we store and secure the Personal Information we collect
+Worm where gravely behind logically far in tastefully as alas delicately before well darn then far the much pulled red-handed circa much much far pangolin spelled much clung dachshund smirked close some the adamant or pushed less far overthrew in moth begrudging warthog newt pragmatic bent darn and far needlessly notwithstanding angrily as celestially horse rebuking magnanimous dear inscrutably jeepers listless before saucy this much however and wolf dear cringed crab a wanton jeepers flatteringly characteristically a atrocious and returned more lemming robin let some crud that more secure nimble where soundly pitiful because bombastic much.
+## 5.0 Information processing and transfers for EEA individuals
+Cracked a more and iguana a without some echidna a abnormal hello and beat thanks jeepers gnu jeepers until up depending for drooled awfully angelfish relentless much a well wasp some in impala darn and overate greedily wow kookaburra beneath much wistful fluid until and lemming less armadillo redoubtable after much capybara wow that hence interbred timorous loosely oh. \ No newline at end of file