import os import subprocess import re from random import randint from sys import platform from logzero import logger CONFIDENCE_THRESH = 0.02 class VaporSong: # Slows down Track def slow_down(src, rate, dest): cmd = "sox -G -D " + src + " " + dest + " speed " + str(rate) os.system(cmd) return dest # Adds Reverb def reverbize(src, dest): cmd = ( "sox -G -D " + src + " " + dest + " reverb 100 fade 5 -0 7" ) # idk what this does tbh, os.system(cmd) return dest # Crops "src" from "start" plus "start + dur" and return it in "dest" def crop(src, dest, start, dur): cmd = "sox " + src + " " + dest + " trim " + " " + str(start) + " " + str(dur) os.system(cmd) # Randomly crops a part of the song of at most max_sec_len. def random_crop(src, max_sec_len, dest): out = subprocess.check_output(["soxi", "-D", src]).rstrip() f_len = int(float(out)) if f_len <= max_sec_len: os.system("cp " + src + " " + dest) return else: start_region = f_len - max_sec_len start = randint(0, start_region) VaporSong.crop(src, dest, start, max_sec_len) # Given a file, returns a list of [beats, confidence], executable based on audibo's test-beattracking.c # TODO: Move away from executable and use aubio's Python module def fetchbeats(src): beat_matrix = [] if platform == "darwin": beats = subprocess.check_output(["noah", "get-beats", src]).rstrip() else: beats = subprocess.check_output(["./get-beats", src]).rstrip() beats_ary = beats.splitlines() for i in beats_ary: record = i.split() record[0] = float(record[0]) / 1000.0 record[1] = float(record[1]) beat_matrix.append(record) return beat_matrix # Splits an audio file into beats according to beat_matrix list def split_beat(src, beat_matrix): split_files = [] for i in range(0, len(beat_matrix) - 1): if beat_matrix[i][1] > CONFIDENCE_THRESH: dur = beat_matrix[i + 1][0] - beat_matrix[i][0] out = src.split(".")[0] + str(i) + ".wav" VaporSong.crop(src, out, beat_matrix[i][0], dur) split_files.append(out) return split_files # Combines a list of sections def combine(sections, dest): tocomb = [] tocomb.append("sox") tocomb.append("-G") for section in sections: for sample in section: tocomb.append(sample) tocomb.append(dest) tmpFileLimit = ( len(tocomb) + 256 ) # in case the program messes up, it does not actually frick up your system n = str(tmpFileLimit) #"Setting file limit to ", n) os.system("ulimit -n " + n) subprocess.check_output(tocomb) return dest # Arbitrarily groups beats into lists of 4, 6, 8, or 9, perfect for looping. def generate_sections(ary): sections = [] beats = [4, 6, 8, 9] index = 0 while index != len(ary): current_beat = beats[randint(0, len(beats) - 1)] new_section = [] while (current_beat != 0) and (index != len(ary)): new_section.append(ary[index]) current_beat -= 1 index += 1 sections.append(new_section) return sections # given a list of sections, selects some of them and duplicates them, perfect for that vaporwave looping effect def dup_sections(sections): new_section = [] for section in sections: new_section.append(section) if randint(0, 1) == 0: new_section.append(section) return new_section # a passage is a list of sections. This takes some sections and groups them into passages. def make_passages(sections): passages = [] index = 0 while index != len(sections): passage_len = randint(1, 4) passage = [] while index != len(sections) and passage_len > 0: passage.append(sections[index]) index += 1 passage_len -= 1 passages.append(passage) return passages # Given all of our passages, picks some of them and inserts them into a list some number of times. def reorder_passages(passages): new_passages = [] passage_count = randint(5, 12) while passage_count != 0: passage = passages[randint(0, len(passages) - 1)] passage_count -= 1 dup = randint(1, 4) while dup != 0: dup -= 1 new_passages.append(passage) return new_passages # converts a list of passages to a list of sections. def flatten(passages): sections = [] for passage in passages: for section in passage: sections.append(section) return sections # It's all coming together def vaporize_song(fname, title):"Slowing down the music") VaporSong.slow_down(fname, 0.7, "beats/out.wav") #"Cropping") # VaporSong.random_crop("beats/out.wav",150,"beats/outcrop.wav")"Doing Beat Analysis") bm = VaporSong.fetchbeats("beats/out.wav")"Split into beats") splitd = VaporSong.split_beat("beats/out.wav", bm) # group beats to sections"Divide into sections") sections = VaporSong.generate_sections(splitd)"Duping Sections") sdup = VaporSong.dup_sections(sections) # group sections into passages paslist = VaporSong.make_passages(sdup) # reorder packages pasloop = VaporSong.reorder_passages(paslist) sectionflat = VaporSong.flatten(pasloop)"Mastering & Reverbing") VaporSong.combine(sectionflat, "beats/out_norev.wav") VaporSong.reverbize( "beats/out_norev.wav", "./" + (re.sub(r"\W+|_", " ", title)).replace(" ", "_") + ".wav", )"Generated V A P O R W A V E")