# ********** INDEX ********** # # - LICENSE (DEPRECATED) # - DATABASE # - SHARED # - NEXTAUTH # - E-MAIL SETTINGS # - ORGANIZATIONS # - LICENSE (DEPRECATED) ************************************************************************************ # https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/blob/main/LICENSE # # Summary of terms: # - The codebase has to stay open source, whether it was modified or not # - You can not repackage or sell the codebase # - Acquire a commercial license to remove these terms by visiting: cal.com/sales # # To enable enterprise-only features, as an admin, go to /auth/setup to select your license and follow # instructions. This environment variable is deprecated although still supported for backward compatibility. # @see https://console.cal.com CALCOM_LICENSE_KEY= # *********************************************************************************************************** # - DATABASE ************************************************************************************************ DATABASE_URL="postgresql://__DB_USER__:__DB_PWD__@localhost:5450/__DB_NAME__" # Needed to run migrations while using a connection pooler like PgBouncer # Use the same one as DATABASE_URL if you're not using a connection pooler DATABASE_DIRECT_URL="postgresql://__DB_USER__:__DB_PWD__@localhost:5450/__DB_NAME__" INSIGHTS_DATABASE_URL= # Uncomment to enable a dedicated connection pool for Prisma using Prisma Data Proxy # Cold boots will be faster and you'll be able to scale your DB independently of your app. # @see https://www.prisma.io/docs/data-platform/data-proxy/use-data-proxy #PRISMA_GENERATE_DATAPROXY=true # *********************************************************************************************************** # - SHARED ************************************************************************************************** # Set this to http://app.cal.local:3000 if you want to enable organizations, and # check variable ORGANIZATIONS_ENABLED at the bottom of this file NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL='' # Change to 'http://localhost:3001' if running the website simultaneously NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBSITE_URL='' NEXT_PUBLIC_CONSOLE_URL='' NEXT_PUBLIC_EMBED_LIB_URL='' # To enable SAML login, set both these variables # @see https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/tree/main/packages/features/ee#setting-up-saml-login # SAML_DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:@localhost:5450/cal-saml" SAML_DATABASE_URL= # SAML_ADMINS='pro@example.com' SAML_ADMINS= # NEXT_PUBLIC_HOSTED_CAL_FEATURES=1 NEXT_PUBLIC_HOSTED_CAL_FEATURES= # For additional security set to a random secret and use that value as the client_secret during the OAuth 2.0 flow. SAML_CLIENT_SECRET_VERIFIER= # If you use Heroku to deploy Postgres (or use self-signed certs for Postgres) then uncomment the follow line. # @see https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/connecting-heroku-postgres#connecting-in-node-js # PGSSLMODE='no-verify' PGSSLMODE= # Define which hostnames are expected for the app to work on ALLOWED_HOSTNAMES='"__DOMAIN__","cal.dev","cal-staging.com","cal.community","cal.local:3000",""' # Reserved orgs subdomains for our own usage RESERVED_SUBDOMAINS='"app","auth","docs","design","console","go","status","api","saml","www","matrix","developer","cal","my","team","support","security","blog","learn","admin"' # - NEXTAUTH # @see: https://github.com/calendso/calendso/issues/263 # @see: https://next-auth.js.org/configuration/options#nextauth_url # Required for Vercel hosting - set NEXTAUTH_URL to equal your NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL NEXTAUTH_URL='http://localhost:3000' # @see: https://next-auth.js.org/configuration/options#nextauth_secret # You can use: `openssl rand -base64 32` to generate one NEXTAUTH_SECRET=__KEY__ # Used for cross-domain cookie authentication NEXTAUTH_COOKIE_DOMAIN= # Set this to '1' if you don't want Cal to collect anonymous usage CALCOM_TELEMETRY_DISABLED=1 # ApiKey for cronjobs CRON_API_KEY='0cc0e6c35519bba620c9360cfe3e68d0' # Whether to automatically keep app metadata in the database in sync with the metadata/config files. When disabled, the # sync runs in a reporting-only dry-run mode. CRON_ENABLE_APP_SYNC=false # Application Key for symmetric encryption and decryption # must be 32 bytes for AES256 encryption algorithm # You can use: `openssl rand -base64 32` to generate one CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY=__KEY__ # Intercom Config NEXT_PUBLIC_INTERCOM_APP_ID= # Secret to enable Intercom Identity Verification INTERCOM_SECRET= # Zendesk Config NEXT_PUBLIC_ZENDESK_KEY= # Help Scout Config NEXT_PUBLIC_HELPSCOUT_KEY= # Fresh Chat Config NEXT_PUBLIC_FRESHCHAT_TOKEN= NEXT_PUBLIC_FRESHCHAT_HOST= # Google OAuth credentials # To enable Login with Google you need to: # 1. Set `GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS` above # 2. Set `GOOGLE_LOGIN_ENABLED` to `true` # When self-hosting please ensure you configure the Google integration as an Internal app so no one else can login to your instance # @see https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6158849#public-and-internal&zippy=%2Cpublic-and-internal-applications GOOGLE_LOGIN_ENABLED=false # - GOOGLE CALENDAR/MEET/LOGIN # Needed to enable Google Calendar integration and Login with Google # @see https://github.com/calcom/cal.com#obtaining-the-google-api-credentials GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS= # Inbox to send user feedback SEND_FEEDBACK_EMAIL= # Sengrid # Used for email reminders in workflows and internal sync services SENDGRID_API_KEY= SENDGRID_EMAIL= NEXT_PUBLIC_SENDGRID_SENDER_NAME= # Sentry # Used for capturing exceptions and logging messages NEXT_PUBLIC_SENTRY_DSN= # Formbricks Experience Management Integration NEXT_PUBLIC_FORMBRICKS_HOST_URL=https://app.formbricks.com NEXT_PUBLIC_FORMBRICKS_ENVIRONMENT_ID= FORMBRICKS_FEEDBACK_SURVEY_ID= # AvatarAPI # Used to pre-fill avatar during signup AVATARAPI_USERNAME= AVATARAPI_PASSWORD= # Twilio # Used to send SMS reminders in workflows TWILIO_SID= TWILIO_TOKEN= TWILIO_MESSAGING_SID= TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER= TWILIO_WHATSAPP_PHONE_NUMBER= # For NEXT_PUBLIC_SENDER_ID only letters, numbers and spaces are allowed (max. 11 characters) NEXT_PUBLIC_SENDER_ID= TWILIO_VERIFY_SID= # Set it to "1" if you need to run E2E tests locally. NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_E2E= # Used for internal billing system NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PRO_PLAN_PRICE= NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PREMIUM_PLAN_PRICE= NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_PREMIUM_NEW_PLAN=0 NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PREMIUM_NEW_PLAN_PRICE= STRIPE_TEAM_MONTHLY_PRICE_ID= STRIPE_ORG_MONTHLY_PRICE_ID= STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET= STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET_APPS= STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY= STRIPE_CLIENT_ID= # Use for internal Public API Keys and optional API_KEY_PREFIX=cal_ # *********************************************************************************************************** # - E-MAIL SETTINGS ***************************************************************************************** # Cal uses nodemailer (@see https://nodemailer.com/about/) to provide email sending. As such we are trying to # allow access to the nodemailer transports from the .env file. E-mail templates are accessible within lib/emails/ # Configures the global From: header whilst sending emails. EMAIL_FROM='notifications@yourselfhostedcal.com' # Configure SMTP settings (@see https://nodemailer.com/smtp/). # Configuration to receive emails locally (mailhog) EMAIL_SERVER_HOST='localhost' EMAIL_SERVER_PORT=1025 # Note: The below configuration for Office 365 has been verified to work. # EMAIL_SERVER_HOST='smtp.office365.com' # EMAIL_SERVER_PORT=587 # EMAIL_SERVER_USER='' # Keep in mind that if you have 2FA enabled, you will need to provision an App Password. # EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD='' # The following configuration for Gmail has been verified to work. # EMAIL_SERVER_HOST='smtp.gmail.com' # EMAIL_SERVER_PORT=465 # EMAIL_SERVER_USER='' ## You will need to provision an App Password. ## @see https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833 # EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD='' # Used for E2E for email testing # Set it to "1" if you need to email checks in E2E tests locally # Make sure to run mailhog container manually or with `yarn dx` E2E_TEST_MAILHOG_ENABLED= # Resend # Send transactional email using resend # RESEND_API_KEY= # ********************************************************************************************************** # Cloudflare Turnstile NEXT_PUBLIC_CLOUDFLARE_SITEKEY= CLOUDFLARE_TURNSTILE_SECRET= # Set the following value to true if you wish to enable Team Impersonation NEXT_PUBLIC_TEAM_IMPERSONATION=false # Close.com internal CRM CLOSECOM_API_KEY= # Sendgrid internal sync service SENDGRID_SYNC_API_KEY= # Change your Brand NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_NAME="Cal.com" NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPPORT_MAIL_ADDRESS="help@cal.com" NEXT_PUBLIC_COMPANY_NAME="Cal.com, Inc." # Set this to true in to disable new signups # NEXT_PUBLIC_DISABLE_SIGNUP=true NEXT_PUBLIC_DISABLE_SIGNUP= # Set this to 'non-strict' to enable CSP for support pages. 'strict' isn't supported yet. Also, check the README for details. # Content Security Policy CSP_POLICY= # Vercel Edge Config EDGE_CONFIG= NEXT_PUBLIC_MINUTES_TO_BOOK=5 # Minutes NEXT_PUBLIC_BOOKER_NUMBER_OF_DAYS_TO_LOAD=0 # Override the booker to only load X number of days worth of data # Control time intervals on a user's Schedule availability NEXT_PUBLIC_AVAILABILITY_SCHEDULE_INTERVAL= # - ORGANIZATIONS ******************************************************************************************* # Enable Organizations non-prod domain setup, works in combination with organizations feature flag # This is mainly needed locally, because for orgs to work a full domain name needs to point # to the app, i.e. app.cal.local instead of using localhost, which is very disruptive # # This variable should only be set to 1 or true if you are in a non-prod environment and you want to # use organizations ORGANIZATIONS_ENABLED= # This variable should only be set to 1 or true if you want to autolink external provider sing-ups with # existing organizations based on email domain address ORGANIZATIONS_AUTOLINK= # Vercel Config to create subdomains for organizations # Get it from https://vercel.com///settings PROJECT_ID_VERCEL= # Get it from: https://vercel.com/teams//settings TEAM_ID_VERCEL= # Get it from: https://vercel.com/account/tokens AUTH_BEARER_TOKEN_VERCEL= # Add the main domain that you want to use for testing vercel domain management for organizations. This is necessary because WEBAPP_URL of local isn't a valid public domain # Would create org1.example.com for an org with slug org1 # LOCAL_TESTING_DOMAIN_VERCEL="example.com" ## Set it to 1 if you use cloudflare to manage your DNS and would like us to manage the DNS for you for organizations # CLOUDFLARE_DNS=1 ## Get it from: https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens. Select Edit Zone template and choose a zone(your domain) # AUTH_BEARER_TOKEN_CLOUDFLARE= ## Zone ID can be found in the Overview tab of your domain in Cloudflare # CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID= ## It should usually work with the default value. This is the DNS CNAME record content to point to Vercel domain # CLOUDFLARE_VERCEL_CNAME=cname.vercel-dns.com # - APPLE CALENDAR # Used for E2E tests on Apple Calendar E2E_TEST_APPLE_CALENDAR_EMAIL="" E2E_TEST_APPLE_CALENDAR_PASSWORD="" # - CALCOM QA ACCOUNT # Used for E2E tests on Cal.com that require 3rd party integrations E2E_TEST_CALCOM_QA_EMAIL="qa@example.com" # Replace with your own password E2E_TEST_CALCOM_QA_PASSWORD="password" E2E_TEST_CALCOM_QA_GCAL_CREDENTIALS= E2E_TEST_CALCOM_GCAL_KEYS= # - APP CREDENTIAL SYNC *********************************************************************************** # Used for self-hosters that are implementing Cal.com into their applications that already have certain integrations # Under settings/admin/apps ensure that all app secrets are set the same as the parent application # You can use: `openssl rand -base64 32` to generate one CALCOM_CREDENTIAL_SYNC_SECRET="" # This is the header name that will be used to verify the webhook secret. Should be in lowercase CALCOM_CREDENTIAL_SYNC_HEADER_NAME="calcom-credential-sync-secret" # This the endpoint from which the token is fetched CALCOM_CREDENTIAL_SYNC_ENDPOINT="" # Key should match on Cal.com and your application # must be 24 bytes for AES256 encryption algorithm # You can use: `openssl rand -base64 24` to generate one CALCOM_APP_CREDENTIAL_ENCRYPTION_KEY="" # - OIDC E2E TEST ******************************************************************************************* # Ensure this ADMIN EMAIL is present in the SAML_ADMINS list E2E_TEST_SAML_ADMIN_EMAIL= E2E_TEST_SAML_ADMIN_PASSWORD= E2E_TEST_OIDC_CLIENT_ID= E2E_TEST_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET= E2E_TEST_OIDC_PROVIDER_DOMAIN= E2E_TEST_OIDC_USER_EMAIL= E2E_TEST_OIDC_USER_PASSWORD= # *********************************************************************************************************** # provide a value between 0 and 100 to ensure the percentage of traffic # redirected from the legacy to the future pages AB_TEST_BUCKET_PROBABILITY=50 # whether we redirect to the future/event-types from event-types or not APP_ROUTER_EVENT_TYPES_ENABLED=0 APP_ROUTER_SETTINGS_ADMIN_ENABLED=0 APP_ROUTER_APPS_INSTALLED_CATEGORY_ENABLED=0 APP_ROUTER_APPS_SLUG_ENABLED=0 APP_ROUTER_APPS_SLUG_SETUP_ENABLED=0 # whether we redirect to the future/apps/categories from /apps/categories or not APP_ROUTER_APPS_CATEGORIES_ENABLED=0 # whether we redirect to the future/apps/categories/[category] from /apps/categories/[category] or not APP_ROUTER_APPS_CATEGORIES_CATEGORY_ENABLED=0 APP_ROUTER_BOOKINGS_STATUS_ENABLED=0 APP_ROUTER_WORKFLOWS_ENABLED=0 APP_ROUTER_SETTINGS_TEAMS_ENABLED=0 APP_ROUTER_GETTING_STARTED_STEP_ENABLED=0 APP_ROUTER_APPS_ENABLED=0 APP_ROUTER_VIDEO_ENABLED=0 APP_ROUTER_TEAMS_ENABLED=0 # disable setry server source maps SENTRY_DISABLE_SERVER_WEBPACK_PLUGIN=1 # api v2 NEXT_PUBLIC_API_V2_URL="http://localhost:5555/api/v2" # Tasker features TASKER_ENABLE_WEBHOOKS=0 TASKER_ENABLE_EMAILS=0 # Ratelimiting via unkey UNKEY_ROOT_KEY= # Used for Cal.ai Enterprise Voice AI Agents # https://retellai.com RETELL_AI_KEY= # Used to disallow emails as being added as guests on bookings BLACKLISTED_GUEST_EMAILS= NEXT_PUBLIC_DEBUG=1