path: root/CHANGES.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'CHANGES.txt')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..529636e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# 2.1.0
+* maintainer changed to PharmAI GmbH
+* full compatibility to Python 3 and OpenBabel 3
+* Docker and Singularity support, Deployment to Docker Hub
+* dropped support for OpenBabel 2, Python 2
+* reorganization of modules
+* migrates to proper logging pattern
+* code quality enhancements
+* adds option to disable non-deterministic protonation of structures (`--nohydro`)
+* protonated structures are now stored to guarantee consistent interaction detection
+* new options to change verbosity levels
+# 1.4.5
+* Updates contact info
+# 1.4.4
+* Improved parameters for water bridge detection
+* Added unit test for PDB structure 1HPX
+* PEP8 Changes
+* Improved imports
+# 1.4.3
+* Adds information on covalent linkages to XML files
+* __Anaconda package__ (provided by `Ikagami`)
+# 1.4.2
+* Adds "--name" option to change name of output files
+* Adds "--nopdbcanmap" option to skip calculation of canonical->PDB mapping which can lead to segfaults with OpenBabel
+* Improved handling of ligand names
+# 1.4.1
+* Improved import of modules
+* Corrections for README and documentation
+* Several improvements for error handling
+* independence from PyMOL when used without visualization features
+# 1.4.0
+* __Full Python 3 Compatibility__
+* __Read PDB files from stdin with "-f -" and write to stdout with "-O" (capital "O")__
+* Improves handling of fixed PDB files
+* Option to turn off writing fixed PDB structures to a file ("--nofixfile")
+### 1.3.5
+* Preparation for Python 3: Imports
+* small correction for PDB fixing
+* includes TODO files with user suggestions
+* license adapted to GNU GPLv2
+### 1.3.4
+* __DNA/RNA can be selected as receptor with --dnareceptor__
+* __Composite ligands and intra-protein mode: Annotation which part of the ligand interacts with the receptor__
+* Improved handling of NMR structures
+* Filter for extremely large ligands
+* Speed-up for file reading and parallel visualization
+* More debugging messages
+### 1.3.3
+* __Adds XML Parser module for PLIP XML files__
+* Detection of intramolecular interactions with --intra
+* improved error correction in PDB files
+### 1.3.2
+* __Processing of protein-peptide interactions via --peptides__
+* option to keep modified residues as ligands (--keepmod)
+* Improved code for reports
+* Smart ordering of ligand in composite compounds
+* Fixes handling and visualization of DNA/RNA
+### 1.3.1
+* __Support for amino acids as ligands__
+* __Plugin-ready for PyMOL and Chimera__
+* Refactores code and optimized input
+* Improved verbose and debug log system
+* Bugfixes for problems affecting some structures with aromatic rings
+### 1.3.0
+* __Batch processing__
+* Improvements to verbose mode and textual output
+### 1.2.3
+* __Better support for files from MD and docking software__
+* __Fixes issues with large and complex structures__
+* Speed optimizations
+### 1.2.2
+* __Option to consider alternate atom locations (e.g. for ligands with several conformations__
+* Automatic fixing of missing ligand names
+* Improved handling of broken PDB files and non-standard filenames
+* Improved error handling
+### 1.2.1
+* __Mapping of canonical atom order to PDB atom order for each ligand__
+* __Introduction of debug mode (--debug)__
+* More robust visualization
+* Handling of negative residue numbers for more cases
+* Composite members in alphabetical order
+* Fixes errors in aromatic ring detection
+* Code improvements
+### 1.2.0
+* __Support for DNA and RNA as ligands__
+* __Detection of metal complexes with proteins/ligands, including prediction of geometry__
+* __Extended result files with detailed information on binding site residues and unpaired atoms__
+*__Support for zipped and gzipped files__
+* Rich verbose mode in command line with information on detected functional groups and interactions
+* Automatic fixing of common errors in custom PDB files
+* Refined binding site selection
+* Better overall performance
+* Initial test suite for metal coordination
+* Classification of ligands
+* Improves detection of aromatic rings and interactions involving aromatic rings
+* Single nucleotides and ions not excluded anymore as ligands
+* Generation of canonical smiles for complete (composite) ligands
+* Generation of txt files is now optional
+* Basic support for PDBQT files
+* Correct handling of negative chain positions of ligands
+* Improved check for valid PDB IDs
+* Fixes several bugs
+### 1.1.1
+* __Detailed information on binding site residues in XML files__
+* Improved extraction of binding site residues
+* Information whether halogen bonds are made with side- or main chain of protein
+#### 1.1.0
+* __Folder structure and setup.py for automatic installation using pip__
+* __H-Bond Donor Prioritization (see documentation for details)__
+* Adds separate changelog
+* Updated documentation and citation information
+* Reduction of blacklist usage
+* Information on excluded ligands in result files
+#### 1.0.2
+* __Automatic grouping of composite ligands (e.g. polysaccharides)__
+* __Proper handling of alternative conformations in PDB structures__
+* __Exclusion of modified residues as ligands__
+* __Improved detection of hydrogen bonds__
+* __Prioritization of hydrogen bonds__
+* Adds atom type description in the output files
+* Basic support for usage on Windows (without multithreading)
+* Option to turn multithreading off by setting maxthreads to 0
+* Improved detection of hydrogen bond donors in ligands
+* Adaption of standard parameters
+* Fixes a bug in PyMOL visualization script leading to missing or wrong interactions with pseudoatoms
+* Fixes a bug leading to duplicate or triplicate detection of identical pi-cation interactions with guanidine
+* Adds now unit tests
+* Small changes to existing unit tests for new features
+#### 1.0.1
+* __Option to change detection thresholds permanently or for single runs__
+* Option to (de)activate output for images, PyMOL session files and XML files
+* Changed standard behaviour to output of RST report only
+* Information on sidechain/backbone hydrogen bond type
+* Sorted output
+* Detection of more flavors of halogen bonds
+* Fixed bug leading to duplicate interactions with quartamine groups
+#### 1.0.0
+* __Initial Release__