path: root/plip/basic/supplemental.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plip/basic/supplemental.py')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plip/basic/supplemental.py b/plip/basic/supplemental.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b3ef7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plip/basic/supplemental.py
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+import gzip
+import itertools
+import os
+import platform
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import zipfile
+from collections import namedtuple
+import numpy as np
+from openbabel import pybel
+from openbabel.pybel import Atom
+from plip.basic import config, logger
+logger = logger.get_logger()
+# Windows and MacOS
+if os.name != 'nt' and platform.system() != 'Darwin': # Resource module not available for Windows
+ import resource
+# Settings
+np.seterr(all='ignore') # No runtime warnings
+def tmpfile(prefix, direc):
+ """Returns the path to a newly created temporary file."""
+ return tempfile.mktemp(prefix=prefix, suffix='.pdb', dir=direc)
+def is_lig(hetid):
+ """Checks if a PDB compound can be excluded as a small molecule ligand"""
+ h = hetid.upper()
+ return not (h == 'HOH' or h in config.UNSUPPORTED)
+def extract_pdbid(string):
+ """Use regular expressions to get a PDB ID from a string"""
+ p = re.compile("[0-9][0-9a-z]{3}")
+ m = p.search(string.lower())
+ try:
+ return m.group()
+ except AttributeError:
+ return "UnknownProtein"
+def whichrestype(atom):
+ """Returns the residue name of an Pybel or OpenBabel atom."""
+ atom = atom if not isinstance(atom, Atom) else atom.OBAtom # Convert to OpenBabel Atom
+ return atom.GetResidue().GetName() if atom.GetResidue() is not None else None
+def whichresnumber(atom):
+ """Returns the residue number of an Pybel or OpenBabel atom (numbering as in original PDB file)."""
+ atom = atom if not isinstance(atom, Atom) else atom.OBAtom # Convert to OpenBabel Atom
+ return atom.GetResidue().GetNum() if atom.GetResidue() is not None else None
+def whichchain(atom):
+ """Returns the residue number of an PyBel or OpenBabel atom."""
+ atom = atom if not isinstance(atom, Atom) else atom.OBAtom # Convert to OpenBabel Atom
+ return atom.GetResidue().GetChain() if atom.GetResidue() is not None else None
+# Mathematical operations
+def euclidean3d(v1, v2):
+ """Faster implementation of euclidean distance for the 3D case."""
+ if not len(v1) == 3 and len(v2) == 3:
+ return None
+ return np.sqrt((v1[0] - v2[0]) ** 2 + (v1[1] - v2[1]) ** 2 + (v1[2] - v2[2]) ** 2)
+def vector(p1, p2):
+ """Vector from p1 to p2.
+ :param p1: coordinates of point p1
+ :param p2: coordinates of point p2
+ :returns : numpy array with vector coordinates
+ """
+ return None if len(p1) != len(p2) else np.array([p2[i] - p1[i] for i in range(len(p1))])
+def vecangle(v1, v2, deg=True):
+ """Calculate the angle between two vectors
+ :param v1: coordinates of vector v1
+ :param v2: coordinates of vector v2
+ :param deg: whether to return degrees or radians
+ :returns : angle in degree or rad
+ """
+ if np.array_equal(v1, v2):
+ return 0.0
+ dm = np.dot(v1, v2)
+ cm = np.linalg.norm(v1) * np.linalg.norm(v2)
+ angle = np.arccos(dm / cm) # Round here to prevent floating point errors
+ return np.degrees([angle, ])[0] if deg else angle
+def normalize_vector(v):
+ """Take a vector and return the normalized vector
+ :param v: a vector v
+ :returns : normalized vector v
+ """
+ norm = np.linalg.norm(v)
+ return v / norm if not norm == 0 else v
+def centroid(coo):
+ """Calculates the centroid from a 3D point cloud and returns the coordinates
+ :param coo: Array of coordinate arrays
+ :returns : centroid coordinates as list
+ """
+ return list(map(np.mean, (([c[0] for c in coo]), ([c[1] for c in coo]), ([c[2] for c in coo]))))
+def projection(pnormal1, ppoint, tpoint):
+ """Calculates the centroid from a 3D point cloud and returns the coordinates
+ :param pnormal1: normal of plane
+ :param ppoint: coordinates of point in the plane
+ :param tpoint: coordinates of point to be projected
+ :returns : coordinates of point orthogonally projected on the plane
+ """
+ # Choose the plane normal pointing to the point to be projected
+ pnormal2 = [coo * (-1) for coo in pnormal1]
+ d1 = euclidean3d(tpoint, pnormal1 + ppoint)
+ d2 = euclidean3d(tpoint, pnormal2 + ppoint)
+ pnormal = pnormal1 if d1 < d2 else pnormal2
+ # Calculate the projection of tpoint to the plane
+ sn = -np.dot(pnormal, vector(ppoint, tpoint))
+ sd = np.dot(pnormal, pnormal)
+ sb = sn / sd
+ return [c1 + c2 for c1, c2 in zip(tpoint, [sb * pn for pn in pnormal])]
+def cluster_doubles(double_list):
+ """Given a list of doubles, they are clustered if they share one element
+ :param double_list: list of doubles
+ :returns : list of clusters (tuples)
+ """
+ location = {} # hashtable of which cluster each element is in
+ clusters = []
+ # Go through each double
+ for t in double_list:
+ a, b = t[0], t[1]
+ # If they both are already in different clusters, merge the clusters
+ if a in location and b in location:
+ if location[a] != location[b]:
+ if location[a] < location[b]:
+ clusters[location[a]] = clusters[location[a]].union(clusters[location[b]]) # Merge clusters
+ clusters = clusters[:location[b]] + clusters[location[b] + 1:]
+ else:
+ clusters[location[b]] = clusters[location[b]].union(clusters[location[a]]) # Merge clusters
+ clusters = clusters[:location[a]] + clusters[location[a] + 1:]
+ # Rebuild index of locations for each element as they have changed now
+ location = {}
+ for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
+ for c in cluster:
+ location[c] = i
+ else:
+ # If a is already in a cluster, add b to that cluster
+ if a in location:
+ clusters[location[a]].add(b)
+ location[b] = location[a]
+ # If b is already in a cluster, add a to that cluster
+ if b in location:
+ clusters[location[b]].add(a)
+ location[a] = location[b]
+ # If neither a nor b is in any cluster, create a new one with a and b
+ if not (b in location and a in location):
+ clusters.append(set(t))
+ location[a] = len(clusters) - 1
+ location[b] = len(clusters) - 1
+ return map(tuple, clusters)
+# File operations
+def tilde_expansion(folder_path):
+ """Tilde expansion, i.e. converts '~' in paths into <value of $HOME>."""
+ return os.path.expanduser(folder_path) if '~' in folder_path else folder_path
+def folder_exists(folder_path):
+ """Checks if a folder exists"""
+ return os.path.exists(folder_path)
+def create_folder_if_not_exists(folder_path):
+ """Creates a folder if it does not exists."""
+ folder_path = tilde_expansion(folder_path)
+ folder_path = "".join([folder_path, '/']) if not folder_path[-1] == '/' else folder_path
+ direc = os.path.dirname(folder_path)
+ if not folder_exists(direc):
+ os.makedirs(direc)
+def cmd_exists(c):
+ return subprocess.call("type " + c, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) == 0
+# PyMOL-specific
+def initialize_pymol(options):
+ """Initializes PyMOL"""
+ import pymol
+ # Pass standard arguments of function to prevent PyMOL from printing out PDB headers (workaround)
+ pymol.finish_launching(args=['pymol', options, '-K'])
+ pymol.cmd.reinitialize()
+def start_pymol(quiet=False, options='-p', run=False):
+ """Starts up PyMOL and sets general options. Quiet mode suppresses all PyMOL output.
+ Command line options can be passed as the second argument."""
+ import pymol
+ pymol.pymol_argv = ['pymol', '%s' % options] + sys.argv[1:]
+ if run:
+ initialize_pymol(options)
+ if quiet:
+ pymol.cmd.feedback('disable', 'all', 'everything')
+def nucleotide_linkage(residues):
+ """Support for DNA/RNA ligands by finding missing covalent linkages to stitch DNA/RNA together."""
+ nuc_covalent = []
+ #######################################
+ # Basic support for RNA/DNA as ligand #
+ #######################################
+ nucleotides = ['A', 'C', 'T', 'G', 'U', 'DA', 'DC', 'DT', 'DG', 'DU']
+ dna_rna = {} # Dictionary of DNA/RNA residues by chain
+ covlinkage = namedtuple("covlinkage", "id1 chain1 pos1 conf1 id2 chain2 pos2 conf2")
+ # Create missing covlinkage entries for DNA/RNA
+ for ligand in residues:
+ resname, chain, pos = ligand
+ if resname in nucleotides:
+ if chain not in dna_rna:
+ dna_rna[chain] = [(resname, pos), ]
+ else:
+ dna_rna[chain].append((resname, pos))
+ for chain in dna_rna:
+ nuc_list = dna_rna[chain]
+ for i, nucleotide in enumerate(nuc_list):
+ if not i == len(nuc_list) - 1:
+ name, pos = nucleotide
+ nextnucleotide = nuc_list[i + 1]
+ nextname, nextpos = nextnucleotide
+ newlink = covlinkage(id1=name, chain1=chain, pos1=pos, conf1='',
+ id2=nextname, chain2=chain, pos2=nextpos, conf2='')
+ nuc_covalent.append(newlink)
+ return nuc_covalent
+def ring_is_planar(ring, r_atoms):
+ """Given a set of ring atoms, check if the ring is sufficiently planar
+ to be considered aromatic"""
+ normals = []
+ for a in r_atoms:
+ adj = pybel.ob.OBAtomAtomIter(a.OBAtom)
+ # Check for neighboring atoms in the ring
+ n_coords = [pybel.Atom(neigh).coords for neigh in adj if ring.IsMember(neigh)]
+ vec1, vec2 = vector(a.coords, n_coords[0]), vector(a.coords, n_coords[1])
+ normals.append(np.cross(vec1, vec2))
+ # Given all normals of ring atoms and their neighbors, the angle between any has to be 5.0 deg or less
+ for n1, n2 in itertools.product(normals, repeat=2):
+ arom_angle = vecangle(n1, n2)
+ if all([arom_angle > config.AROMATIC_PLANARITY, arom_angle < 180.0 - config.AROMATIC_PLANARITY]):
+ return False
+ return True
+def classify_by_name(names):
+ """Classify a (composite) ligand by the HETID(s)"""
+ if len(names) > 3: # Polymer
+ if len(set(config.RNA).intersection(set(names))) != 0:
+ ligtype = 'RNA'
+ elif len(set(config.DNA).intersection(set(names))) != 0:
+ ligtype = 'DNA'
+ else:
+ ligtype = "POLYMER"
+ else:
+ ligtype = 'SMALLMOLECULE'
+ for name in names:
+ if name in config.METAL_IONS:
+ if len(names) == 1:
+ ligtype = 'ION'
+ else:
+ if "ION" not in ligtype:
+ ligtype += '+ION'
+ return ligtype
+def sort_members_by_importance(members):
+ """Sort the members of a composite ligand according to two criteria:
+ 1. Split up in main and ion group. Ion groups are located behind the main group.
+ 2. Within each group, sort by chain and position."""
+ main = [x for x in members if x[0] not in config.METAL_IONS]
+ ion = [x for x in members if x[0] in config.METAL_IONS]
+ sorted_main = sorted(main, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[2]))
+ sorted_main = sorted(main, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[2]))
+ sorted_ion = sorted(ion, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[2]))
+ return sorted_main + sorted_ion
+def get_isomorphisms(reference, lig):
+ """Get all isomorphisms of the ligand."""
+ query = pybel.ob.CompileMoleculeQuery(reference.OBMol)
+ mappr = pybel.ob.OBIsomorphismMapper.GetInstance(query)
+ if all:
+ isomorphs = pybel.ob.vvpairUIntUInt()
+ mappr.MapAll(lig.OBMol, isomorphs)
+ else:
+ isomorphs = pybel.ob.vpairUIntUInt()
+ mappr.MapFirst(lig.OBMol, isomorphs)
+ isomorphs = [isomorphs]
+ logger.debug(f'number of isomorphisms: {len(isomorphs)}')
+ # @todo Check which isomorphism to take
+ return isomorphs
+def canonicalize(lig, preserve_bond_order=False):
+ """Get the canonical atom order for the ligand."""
+ atomorder = None
+ # Get canonical atom order
+ lig = pybel.ob.OBMol(lig.OBMol)
+ if not preserve_bond_order:
+ for bond in pybel.ob.OBMolBondIter(lig):
+ if bond.GetBondOrder() != 1:
+ bond.SetBondOrder(1)
+ lig.DeleteData(pybel.ob.StereoData)
+ lig = pybel.Molecule(lig)
+ testcan = lig.write(format='can')
+ try:
+ pybel.readstring('can', testcan)
+ reference = pybel.readstring('can', testcan)
+ except IOError:
+ testcan, reference = '', ''
+ if testcan != '':
+ reference.removeh()
+ isomorphs = get_isomorphisms(reference, lig) # isomorphs now holds all isomorphisms within the molecule
+ if not len(isomorphs) == 0:
+ smi_dict = {}
+ smi_to_can = isomorphs[0]
+ for x in smi_to_can:
+ smi_dict[int(x[1]) + 1] = int(x[0]) + 1
+ atomorder = [smi_dict[x + 1] for x in range(len(lig.atoms))]
+ else:
+ atomorder = None
+ return atomorder
+def int32_to_negative(int32):
+ """Checks if a suspicious number (e.g. ligand position) is in fact a negative number represented as a
+ 32 bit integer and returns the actual number.
+ """
+ dct = {}
+ if int32 == 4294967295: # Special case in some structures (note, this is just a workaround)
+ return -1
+ for i in range(-1000, -1):
+ dct[np.uint32(i)] = i
+ if int32 in dct:
+ return dct[int32]
+ else:
+ return int32
+def read_pdb(pdbfname, as_string=False):
+ """Reads a given PDB file and returns a Pybel Molecule."""
+ pybel.ob.obErrorLog.StopLogging() # Suppress all OpenBabel warnings
+ if os.name != 'nt': # Resource module not available for Windows
+ maxsize = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK)[-1]
+ resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (min(2 ** 28, maxsize), maxsize))
+ sys.setrecursionlimit(10 ** 5) # increase Python recursion limit
+ return readmol(pdbfname, as_string=as_string)
+def read(fil):
+ """Returns a file handler and detects gzipped files."""
+ if os.path.splitext(fil)[-1] == '.gz':
+ return gzip.open(fil, 'rb')
+ elif os.path.splitext(fil)[-1] == '.zip':
+ zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fil, 'r')
+ return zf.open(zf.infolist()[0].filename)
+ else:
+ return open(fil, 'r')
+def readmol(path, as_string=False):
+ """Reads the given molecule file and returns the corresponding Pybel molecule as well as the input file type.
+ In contrast to the standard Pybel implementation, the file is closed properly."""
+ supported_formats = ['pdb']
+ # Fix for Windows-generated files: Remove carriage return characters
+ if "\r" in path and as_string:
+ path = path.replace('\r', '')
+ for sformat in supported_formats:
+ obc = pybel.ob.OBConversion()
+ obc.SetInFormat(sformat)
+ logger.debug(f'detected {sformat} as format, trying to read file with OpenBabel')
+ # Read molecules with single bond information
+ if as_string:
+ try:
+ mymol = pybel.readstring(sformat, path)
+ except IOError:
+ logger.error('no valid file format provided')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ read_file = pybel.readfile(format=sformat, filename=path, opt={"s": None})
+ try:
+ mymol = next(read_file)
+ except StopIteration:
+ logger.error('file contains no valid molecules')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ logger.debug('molecule successfully read')
+ # Assign multiple bonds
+ mymol.OBMol.PerceiveBondOrders()
+ return mymol, sformat
+ logger.error('no valid file format provided')
+ sys.exit(1)