from pymol import cmd from plip.basic import config, logger from plip.basic.supplemental import start_pymol from plip.visualization.pymol import PyMOLVisualizer logger = logger.get_logger() def visualize_in_pymol(plcomplex): """Visualizes the protein-ligand pliprofiler at one site in PyMOL.""" vis = PyMOLVisualizer(plcomplex) ##################### # Set everything up # ##################### pdbid = plcomplex.pdbid lig_members = plcomplex.lig_members chain = plcomplex.chain if config.PEPTIDES: vis.ligname = 'PeptideChain%s' % plcomplex.chain if config.INTRA is not None: vis.ligname = 'Intra%s' % plcomplex.chain ligname = vis.ligname hetid = plcomplex.hetid metal_ids = plcomplex.metal_ids metal_ids_str = '+'.join([str(i) for i in metal_ids]) ######################## # Basic visualizations # ######################## start_pymol(run=True, options='-pcq', quiet=not config.VERBOSE and not config.SILENT) vis.set_initial_representations() cmd.load(plcomplex.sourcefile) current_name = cmd.get_object_list(selection='(all)')[0] logger.debug(f'setting current_name to {current_name} and pdbid to {pdbid}') cmd.set_name(current_name, pdbid) cmd.hide('everything', 'all') if config.PEPTIDES:, 'chain %s and not resn HOH' % plcomplex.chain) else:, 'resn %s and chain %s and resi %s*' % (hetid, chain, plcomplex.position)) logger.debug(f'selecting ligand for PDBID {pdbid} and ligand name {ligname}') logger.debug(f'resn {hetid} and chain {chain} and resi {plcomplex.position}') # Visualize and color metal ions if there are any if not len(metal_ids) == 0: vis.select_by_ids(ligname, metal_ids, selection_exists=True)'spheres', 'id %s and %s' % (metal_ids_str, pdbid)) # Additionally, select all members of composite ligands if len(lig_members) > 1: for member in lig_members: resid, chain, resnr = member[0], member[1], str(member[2]), '%s or (resn %s and chain %s and resi %s)' % (ligname, resid, chain, resnr))'sticks', ligname) cmd.color('myblue') cmd.color('myorange', ligname) cmd.util.cnc('all') if not len(metal_ids) == 0: cmd.color('hotpink', 'id %s' % metal_ids_str) cmd.hide('sticks', 'id %s' % metal_ids_str) cmd.set('sphere_scale', 0.3, ligname) cmd.deselect() vis.make_initial_selections() vis.show_hydrophobic() # Hydrophobic Contacts vis.show_hbonds() # Hydrogen Bonds vis.show_halogen() # Halogen Bonds vis.show_stacking() # pi-Stacking Interactions vis.show_cationpi() # pi-Cation Interactions vis.show_sbridges() # Salt Bridges vis.show_wbridges() # Water Bridges vis.show_metal() # Metal Coordination vis.refinements() vis.zoom_to_ligand() vis.selections_cleanup() vis.selections_group() vis.additional_cleanup() if config.DNARECEPTOR: # Rename Cartoon selection to Line selection and change repr. cmd.set_name('%sCartoon' % plcomplex.pdbid, '%sLines' % plcomplex.pdbid) cmd.hide('cartoon', '%sLines' % plcomplex.pdbid)'lines', '%sLines' % plcomplex.pdbid) if config.PEPTIDES: filename = "%s_PeptideChain%s" % (pdbid.upper(), plcomplex.chain) if config.PYMOL: vis.save_session(config.OUTPATH, override=filename) elif config.INTRA is not None: filename = "%s_IntraChain%s" % (pdbid.upper(), plcomplex.chain) if config.PYMOL: vis.save_session(config.OUTPATH, override=filename) else: filename = '%s_%s' % (pdbid.upper(), "_".join([hetid, plcomplex.chain, plcomplex.position])) if config.PYMOL: vis.save_session(config.OUTPATH) if config.PICS: vis.save_picture(config.OUTPATH, filename)