Hi I'm Navan

> cat short_description.txt
I am a self-proclaimed geek. My powers? Am good at parsing jq, awesome in bash and the best, I make terrible decisions and can not keep my mouth shut. I know Bash, Python, C++, C#, HTML, CSS and am on the verge of learning Kotlin.

> cat facts_about_me.txt
- I specialise in bash
- I created my first website when I was 7
- But, DOSed it a month afterwards
- Proud Creater of GYGB and John-Doe

> cat programs.txt
The Programs I am Proud of :
- Mjolnir ( A DoS Program )
- Cruncher ( A slow way to kill a PC )
- Get Your Grub Back (Grub Repair)
- John Doe (Identity Generator)
- Kamikaze (System Crasher)
- Meme-Me (A CLI for generating memes)

> curl -s -o output.json "https://navanchauhan.github.io/anouncements.json"
> jq '.[]' output.json
- I'll try to build UI's for my bash and python programs soon