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- <h1>Creating a Custom Image Classifier using Turicreate to detect Smoke and Fire</h1>
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+ <h1 id="creating-a-custom-image-classifier-using-turicreate-to-detect-smoke-and-fire">Creating a Custom Image Classifier using Turicreate to detect Smoke and Fire</h1>
<p><em>For setting up Kaggle with Google Colab, please refer to <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="/posts/2020-01-15-Setting-up-Kaggle-to-use-with-Colab"> my previous post</a></em></p>
+<h2 id="dataset">Dataset</h2>
-<h3>Mounting Google Drive</h3>
+<h3 id="mounting-google-drive">Mounting Google Drive</h3>
<div class="codehilite">
<pre><span></span><code><span class="kn">import</span> <span class="nn">os</span>
@@ -58,7 +90,7 @@
-<h3>Downloading Dataset from Kaggle</h3>
+<h3 id="downloading-dataset-from-kaggle">Downloading Dataset from Kaggle</h3>
<div class="codehilite">
<pre><span></span><code><span class="n">os</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">environ</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="s1">&#39;KAGGLE_CONFIG_DIR&#39;</span><span class="p">]</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s2">&quot;/content/drive/My Drive/&quot;</span>
@@ -67,7 +99,7 @@
+<h2 id="pre-processing">Pre-Processing</h2>
<div class="codehilite">
<pre><span></span><code><span class="nt">!mkdir</span><span class="na"> default smoke fire</span>
@@ -153,9 +185,9 @@
-<h2>Making the Image Classifier</h2>
+<h2 id="making-the-image-classifier">Making the Image Classifier</h2>
-<h3>Making an SFrame</h3>
+<h3 id="making-an-sframe">Making an SFrame</h3>
<div class="codehilite">
<pre><span></span><code><span class="nt">!pip</span><span class="na"> install turicreate</span>
@@ -218,7 +250,7 @@
-<h3>Making the Model</h3>
+<h3 id="making-the-model">Making the Model</h3>
<div class="codehilite">
<pre><span></span><code><span class="kn">import</span> <span class="nn">turicreate</span> <span class="k">as</span> <span class="nn">tc</span>
@@ -313,14 +345,15 @@
<p>We just got an accuracy of 94% on Training Data and 97% on Validation Data!</p>
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