--- date: 2019-12-04 18:23 description: Tutorial on creating a custom image classifier quickly with Google Teachable Machines tags: Tutorial, AI --- # Image Classifier With Teachable Machines Made for Google Code-In **Task Description** Using Glitch and the Teachable Machines, build a Book Detector with Tensorflow.js. When a book is recognized, the code would randomly suggest a book/tell a famous quote from a book. Here is an example Project to get you started: https://glitch.com/~voltaic-acorn ### Details 1) Collecting Data Teachable Machine allows you to create your dataset just by using your webcam! I created a database consisting of three classes ( Three Books ) and approximately grabbed 100 pictures for each book/class ![](/assets/gciTales/01-teachableMachines/01-collect.png) 2) Training Training on teachable machines is as simple as clicking the train button. I did not even have to modify any configurations. ![](/assets/gciTales/01-teachableMachines/02-train.png) 3) Finding Labels Because I originally entered the entire name of the book and it's author's name as the label, the class name got truncated (Note to self, use shorter class names :p ). I then modified the code to print the modified label names in an alert box. ![](/assets/gciTales/01-teachableMachines/03-label.png) ![](/assets/gciTales/01-teachableMachines/04-alert.png) 4) Adding a suggestions function I first added a text field on the main page and then modified the JavaScript file to suggest a similar book whenever the model predicted with an accuracy >= 98% ![](/assets/gciTales/01-teachableMachines/05-html.png) ![](/assets/gciTales/01-teachableMachines/06-js.png) 5) Running! Here it is running! ![](/assets/gciTales/01-teachableMachines/07-eg.png) ![](/assets/gciTales/01-teachableMachines/08-eg.png) Remix this project:- https://luminous-opinion.glitch.me