--- date: 2020-07-01 14:23 description: Install RDKit on Google Colab with one code snippet. tags: Tutorial, Code-Snippet, Colab --- # Installing RDKit on Google Colab **Update: March 2024** `rdkit-pypi` has been deprecated in favour of `rdkit` You can simply run: ``` !pip install rdkit ``` **EDIT:** Try installing RDKit using pip ``` !pip install rdkit-pypi ``` ## Old Method (Still Works) RDKit is one of the most integral part of any Cheminfomatic specialist's toolkit but it is notoriously difficult to install unless you already have `conda` installed. I originally found this in a GitHub Gist but I have not been able to find that gist again :/ Just copy and paste this in a Colab cell and it will install it 👍 ```python import sys import os import requests import subprocess import shutil from logging import getLogger, StreamHandler, INFO logger = getLogger(__name__) logger.addHandler(StreamHandler()) logger.setLevel(INFO) def install( chunk_size=4096, file_name="Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh", url_base="https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/", conda_path=os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", "miniconda")), rdkit_version=None, add_python_path=True, force=False): """install rdkit from miniconda ``` import rdkit_installer rdkit_installer.install() ``` """ python_path = os.path.join( conda_path, "lib", "python{0}.{1}".format(*sys.version_info), "site-packages", ) if add_python_path and python_path not in sys.path: logger.info("add {} to PYTHONPATH".format(python_path)) sys.path.append(python_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(python_path, "rdkit")): logger.info("rdkit is already installed") if not force: return logger.info("force re-install") url = url_base + file_name python_version = "{0}.{1}.{2}".format(*sys.version_info) logger.info("python version: {}".format(python_version)) if os.path.isdir(conda_path): logger.warning("remove current miniconda") shutil.rmtree(conda_path) elif os.path.isfile(conda_path): logger.warning("remove {}".format(conda_path)) os.remove(conda_path) logger.info('fetching installer from {}'.format(url)) res = requests.get(url, stream=True) res.raise_for_status() with open(file_name, 'wb') as f: for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size): f.write(chunk) logger.info('done') logger.info('installing miniconda to {}'.format(conda_path)) subprocess.check_call(["bash", file_name, "-b", "-p", conda_path]) logger.info('done') logger.info("installing rdkit") subprocess.check_call([ os.path.join(conda_path, "bin", "conda"), "install", "--yes", "-c", "rdkit", "python=={}".format(python_version), "rdkit" if rdkit_version is None else "rdkit=={}".format(rdkit_version)]) logger.info("done") import rdkit logger.info("rdkit-{} installation finished!".format(rdkit.__version__)) if __name__ == "__main__": install() ```