--- date: 2021-06-27 23:26 description: Writing a simple Machine-Learning powered Chatbot (or, daresay virtual personal assistant ) in Swift using CoreML. tags: Swift, CoreML, NLP --- # Making a Crude ML Powered Chatbot in Swift using CoreML A chatbot/virtual assistant, on paper, looks easy to build. The user says something, the programs finds the best action, checks if additional input is required and sends back the output. To do this in Swift, I used two separate ML Models created using Apple's Create ML App. First is a Text Classifier to classify intent, and the other a word tagger for extracting input from the input message. Disclaimer: This is a very crude proof-of-concept, but it does work. ## Text Classifier I opened a CSV file and added some sample entries, with a corresponding label. ![Screenshot of Sample Dataset](/assets/posts/swift-chatbot/intent-csv.png) ![Screenshot of Create ML Text Classifier](/assets/posts/swift-chatbot/create-intent.png) ## Word Tagging This is useful to extract the required variables directly from the user's input. This model will be only called if the intent from the classifier is a custom action. I created a sample JSON with only 3 examples (I know, very less, but works for a crude PoC). ![Screenshot of Sample Dataset](/assets/posts/swift-chatbot/drugs-json.png) ![Screenshot of Create ML Text Classifier](/assets/posts/swift-chatbot/create-tagger.png) ## Time to Get Swift-y The initial part is easy, importing CoreML and NaturalLanguage and then initializing the models and the tagger. ![Screenshot](/assets/posts/swift-chatbot/carbon.png) ```swift import CoreML import NaturalLanguage let mlModelClassifier = try IntentDetection_1(configuration: MLModelConfiguration()).model let mlModelTagger = try CompoundTagger(configuration: MLModelConfiguration()).model let intentPredictor = try NLModel(mlModel: mlModelClassifier) let tagPredictor = try NLModel(mlModel: mlModelTagger) let tagger = NLTagger(tagSchemes: [.nameType, NLTagScheme("Apple")]) tagger.setModels([tagPredictor], forTagScheme: NLTagScheme("Apple")) ``` Now, we define a simple structure which the custom function(s) can use to access the provided input. It can also be used to hold additional variables. This custom action for our third label, uses the Word Tagger model to check for the compound in the user's message. If it is present then it displays the name, otherwise it tells the user that they have not provided the input. The latter can be replaced with a function which asks the user for the input. ![Screenshot](/assets/posts/swift-chatbot/carbon-2.png) ```swift struct User { static var message = "" } func customAction() -> String { let sampleMessage = User.message var actionable_item = "" tagger.string = sampleMessage tagger.enumerateTags(in: sampleMessage.startIndex..