--- date: 2022-12-25 17:32 description: Cross posting blog posts to Mastodon tags: Python, Mastodon, Tutorial, Code-Snippet --- # Posting blogs as Mastodon Toots What is better than posting a blog post? Posting about your posting pipeline. I did this previously with [Twitter](/posts/2021-06-25-Blog2Twitter-P1.html). ## the elephant in the room mastodon.social does not support any formatting in the status posts. Yes, there are other instances which have patches to enable features such as markdown formatting, but there is no upstream support. ## time to code My website is built using a really simple static site generator I wrote in Python. Therefore, each post is self-contained in a Markdown file with the necessary metadata. I am going to specify the path to the blog post, parse it and then publish it. I initially planned on having a command line parser and some more flags. ### interacting with mastodon I ended up using mastodon.py rather than crafting requests by hand. Each status_post/toot call returns a status_id that can be then used as an in_reply_to parameter. For the code snippets, seeing that mastodon does not support native formatting, I am resorting to using ray-so. ### reading markdown I am using a bunch of regex hacks, and reading the blog post line by line. Because there is no markdown support, I append all the links to the end of the toot. For images, I upload them and attach them to the toot. The initial toot is generated based off the title and the tags associated with the post. ```python # Regexes I am using markdown_image = r'(?:!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\))' markdown_links = r'(?:\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\))' tags_within_metadata = r"tags: ([\w,\s]+)" metadata_regex = r"---\s*\n(.*?)\n---\s*\n" ``` This is useful when I want to get the exact data I want. In this case, I can extract the tags from the front matter. ```python metadata = re.search(metadata_regex, markdown_content, re.DOTALL) if metadata: tags_match = re.search(r"tags: ([\w,\s]+)", metadata.group(1)) if tags_match: tags = tags_match.group(1).split(",") ``` ### code snippet support I am running [akashrchandran/Rayso-API](https://github.com/akashrchandran/Rayso-API). ```python import requests def get_image(code, language: str = "python", title: str = "Code Snippet"): params = ( ('code', code), ('language', language), ('title', title), ) response = requests.get('http://localhost:3000/api', params=params) return response.content ``` ### threads! threads! threads! Even though mastodon does officially have a higher character limit than Twitter. I prefer the way threads look. ## result Everything does seem to work! Seeing that you are reading this on Mastodon, and that I have updated this section. ## what's next? Here is the current code: ```python from mastodon import Mastodon from mastodon.errors import MastodonAPIError import requests import re mastodon = Mastodon( access_token='reeeeee', api_base_url="https://mastodon.social" ) url_base = "https://web.navan.dev" sample_markdown_file = "Content/posts/2022-12-25-blog-to-toot.md" tags = [] toots = [] image_idx = 0 markdown_image = r'(?:!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\))' markdown_links = r'(?:\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\))' def get_image(code, language: str = "python", title: str = "Code Snippet"): params = ( ('code', code), ('language', language), ('title', title), ) response = requests.get('http://localhost:3000/api', params=params) return response.content class TootContent: def __init__(self, text: str = ""): self.text = text self.images = [] self.links = [] self.image_count = len(images) def __str__(self): toot_text = self.text for link in self.links: toot_text += " " + link return toot_text def get_text(self): toot_text = self.text for link in self.links: toot_text += " " + link return toot_text def get_length(self): length = len(self.text) for link in self.links: length += 23 return length def add_link(self, link): if len(self.text) + 23 < 498: if link[0].lower() != 'h': link = url_base + link self.links.append(link) return True return False def add_image(self, image): if len(self.images) == 4: # will handle in future print("cannot upload more than 4 images per toot") exit(1) # upload image and get id self.images.append(image) self.image_count = len(self.images) def add_text(self, text): if len(self.text + text) > 400: return False else: self.text += f" {text}" return True def get_links(self): print(len(self.links)) in_metadata = False in_code_block = False my_toots = [] text = "" images = [] image_links = [] extra_links = [] tags = [] code_block = "" language = "bash" current_toot = TootContent() metadata_regex = r"---\s*\n(.*?)\n---\s*\n" with open(sample_markdown_file) as f: markdown_content = f.read() metadata = re.search(metadata_regex, markdown_content, re.DOTALL) if metadata: tags_match = re.search(r"tags: ([\w,\s]+)", metadata.group(1)) if tags_match: tags = tags_match.group(1).split(",") markdown_content = markdown_content.rsplit("---\n",1)[-1].strip() for line in markdown_content.split("\n"): if current_toot.get_length() < 400: if line.strip() == '': continue if line[0] == '#': line = line.replace("#","".strip()) if len(my_toots) == 0: current_toot.add_text( f"{line}: a cross-posted blog post \n" ) hashtags = "" for tag in tags: hashtags += f"#{tag.strip()}," current_toot.add_text(hashtags[:-1]) my_toots.append(current_toot) current_toot = TootContent() else: my_toots.append(current_toot) current_toot = TootContent(text=f"{line.title()}:") continue else: if "```" in line: in_code_block = not in_code_block if in_code_block: language = line.strip().replace("```",'') continue else: with open(f"code-snipped_{image_idx}.png","wb") as f: f.write(get_image(code_block, language)) current_toot.add_image(f"code-snipped_{image_idx}.png") image_idx += 1 code_block = "" continue if in_code_block: line = line.replace(" ","\t") code_block += line + "\n" continue if len(re.findall(markdown_image,line)) > 0: for image_link in re.findall(markdown_links, line): image_link.append(image_link[1]) # not handled yet line = re.sub(markdown_image,"",line) if len(re.findall(markdown_links,line)) > 0: for link in re.findall(markdown_links, line): if not (current_toot.add_link(link[1])): extra_links.append(link[1]) line = line.replace(f'[{link[0]}]({link[1]})',link[0]) if not current_toot.add_text(line): my_toots.append(current_toot) current_toot = TootContent(line) else: my_toots.append(current_toot) current_toot = TootContent() my_toots.append(current_toot) in_reply_to_id = None for toot in my_toots: image_ids = [] for image in toot.images: print(f"uploading image, {image}") try: image_id = mastodon.media_post(image) image_ids.append(image_id.id) except MastodonAPIError: print("failed to upload. Continuing...") if image_ids == []: image_ids = None in_reply_to_id = mastodon.status_post( toot.get_text(), in_reply_to_id=in_reply_to_id, media_ids=image_ids ).id ``` Not the best thing I have ever written, but it works!