--- date: 2020-03-14 22:23 description: This paper is about programmaticaly generating Vaporwave. tags: publication, pre-print --- # Is it possible to programmatically generate Vaporwave? This is still a pre-print. [Download paper here](https://indiarxiv.org/9um2r/) Recommended citation: ### APA ``` Chauhan, N. (2020, March 15). Is it possible to programmatically generate Vaporwave?. https://doi.org/10.35543/osf.io/9um2r ``` ### MLA ``` Chauhan, Navan. “Is It Possible to Programmatically Generate Vaporwave?.” IndiaRxiv, 15 Mar. 2020. Web. ``` ### Chicago ``` Chauhan, Navan. 2020. “Is It Possible to Programmatically Generate Vaporwave?.” IndiaRxiv. March 15. doi:10.35543/osf.io/9um2r. ``` ### Bibtex ``` @misc{chauhan_2020, title={Is it possible to programmatically generate Vaporwave?}, url={indiarxiv.org/9um2r}, DOI={10.35543/osf.io/9um2r}, publisher={IndiaRxiv}, author={Chauhan, Navan}, year={2020}, month={Mar} } ```