Interacting with underlying element in HTML

I know that the title is a bit weird. I was trying to interact with a video under an iPhone Bezel Screen frame.

<div class="row-span-2 md:col-span-1 rounded-xl border-2 border-slate-400/10 bg-neutral-100 p-4 dark:bg-neutral-900">
    <div class="content flex flex-wrap content-center justify-center">
        <img src="iphone-12-white.png" class="h-[60vh] z-10 absolute">
        <!--<img src="screenshot2.jpeg" class="h-[57vh] mt-4 mr-1 rounded-[2rem]">-->
        <video src="screenrec.mp4" class="h-[57vh] mt-4 mr-1 rounded-[2rem]" controls muted autoplay></video>

Video Under a Transparent Image

Turns out, you can disable pointer events!

In Tailwind, it is as simple as adding pointer-events-none to the bezel screen.

In CSS, this can be done by:

.className {
    pointer-events: none
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