Detecting Driver Fatigue, Over-Speeding, and Speeding up Post-Accident Response
Based on the project showcased at Toyota Hackathon, IITD - 17/18th December 2018
Edit: It seems like I haven't mentioned Adrian Rosebrock of PyImageSearch anywhere. I apologize for this mistake.
Recommended citation:
Chauhan, N. (2019). "Detecting Driver Fatigue, Over-Speeding, and Speeding up Post-Accident Response." <i>International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 6(5)</i>.
@article{chauhan_2019, title={Detecting Driver Fatigue, Over-Speeding, and Speeding up Post-Accident Response}, volume={6}, url={}, number={5}, journal={International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)}, author={Chauhan, Navan}, year={2019}}
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