from mastodon import Mastodon from mastodon.errors import MastodonAPIError import requests import re import os mastodon = Mastodon( access_token=os.environ.get("MASTODON_SECRET"), api_base_url="" ) url_base = "" sample_markdown_file = "Content/posts/" tags = [] toots = [] image_idx = 0 markdown_image = r'(?:!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\))' markdown_links = r'(?:\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\))' def get_image(code, language: str = "python", title: str = "Code Snippet"): params = ( ('code', code), ('language', language), ('title', title), ) response = requests.get('http://localhost:3000/api', params=params) return response.content class TootContent: def __init__(self, text: str = ""): self.text = text self.images = [] self.links = [] self.image_count = len(images) def __str__(self): toot_text = self.text for link in self.links: toot_text += " " + link return toot_text def get_text(self): toot_text = self.text for link in self.links: toot_text += " " + link return toot_text def get_length(self): length = len(self.text) for link in self.links: length += 23 return length def add_link(self, link): if len(self.text) + 23 < 498: if link[0].lower() != 'h': link = url_base + link self.links.append(link) return True return False def add_image(self, image): if len(self.images) == 4: # will handle in future print("cannot upload more than 4 images per toot") exit(1) # upload image and get id self.images.append(image) self.image_count = len(self.images) def add_text(self, text): if len(self.text + text) > 400: return False else: self.text += f" {text}" return True def get_links(self): print(len(self.links)) in_metadata = False in_code_block = False my_toots = [] text = "" images = [] image_links = [] extra_links = [] tags = [] code_block = "" language = "bash" current_toot = TootContent() metadata_regex = r"---\s*\n(.*?)\n---\s*\n" with open(sample_markdown_file) as f: markdown_content = metadata =, markdown_content, re.DOTALL) if metadata: tags_match ="tags: ([\w,\s]+)", if tags_match: tags =",") markdown_content = markdown_content.rsplit("---\n",1)[-1].strip() for line in markdown_content.split("\n"): if current_toot.get_length() < 400: if line.strip() == '': continue if line[0] == '#': line = line.replace("#","".strip()) if len(my_toots) == 0: current_toot.add_text( f"{line}: a cross-posted blog post \n" ) hashtags = "" for tag in tags: hashtags += f"#{tag.strip()}," current_toot.add_text(hashtags[:-1]) my_toots.append(current_toot) current_toot = TootContent() else: my_toots.append(current_toot) current_toot = TootContent(text=f"{line}:") continue else: if "```" in line: in_code_block = not in_code_block if in_code_block: language = line.strip().replace("```",'') continue else: with open(f"code-snipped_{image_idx}.png","wb") as f: f.write(get_image(code_block, language)) current_toot.add_image(f"code-snipped_{image_idx}.png") image_idx += 1 code_block = "" continue if in_code_block: line = line.replace(" ","\t") code_block += line + "\n" continue if len(re.findall(markdown_image,line)) > 0: for image_link in re.findall(markdown_links, line): image_link.append(image_link[1]) # not handled yet line = re.sub(markdown_image,"",line) if len(re.findall(markdown_links,line)) > 0: for link in re.findall(markdown_links, line): if not (current_toot.add_link(link[1])): extra_links.append(link[1]) line = line.replace(f'[{link[0]}]({link[1]})',link[0]) if not current_toot.add_text(line): my_toots.append(current_toot) current_toot = TootContent(line) else: my_toots.append(current_toot) current_toot = TootContent() my_toots.append(current_toot) in_reply_to_id = None for toot in my_toots: image_ids = [] for image in toot.images: print(f"uploading image, {image}") try: image_id = mastodon.media_post(image) image_ids.append( except MastodonAPIError: print("failed to upload. Continuing...") if image_ids == []: image_ids = None in_reply_to_id = mastodon.status_post( toot.get_text(), in_reply_to_id=in_reply_to_id, media_ids=image_ids ).id