// The Swift Programming Language // https://docs.swift.org/swift-book import ArgumentParser import Foundation import Logging import NIO @main struct swiftGopher: ParsableCommand { @Option var gopherHostName: String = "localhost" @Option var port: Int = 8080 @Option var gopherDataDir: String = "./example-gopherdata" @Option var host: String = "" public mutating func run() throws { let eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup( numberOfThreads: System.coreCount ) defer { try! eventLoopGroup.syncShutdownGracefully() } let localGopherDataDir = gopherDataDir let localGopherHostName = gopherHostName let localPort = port let logger = Logger(label: "com.navanchauhan.gopher.server") let serverBootstrap = ServerBootstrap( group: eventLoopGroup ) .serverChannelOption( ChannelOptions.backlog, value: 256 ) .serverChannelOption( ChannelOptions.socketOption( .so_reuseaddr ), value: 1 ) .childChannelInitializer { channel in channel.pipeline.addHandlers([ BackPressureHandler(), GopherHandler( logger: logger, gopherdata_dir: localGopherDataDir, gopherdata_host: localGopherHostName, gopherdata_port: localPort ), ]) } .childChannelOption( ChannelOptions.socketOption( .so_reuseaddr ), value: 1 ) .childChannelOption( ChannelOptions.maxMessagesPerRead, value: 16 ) .childChannelOption( ChannelOptions.recvAllocator, value: AdaptiveRecvByteBufferAllocator() ) let defaultHost = host let defaultPort = port let channel = try serverBootstrap.bind( host: defaultHost, port: defaultPort ).wait() logger.info("Server started and listening on \(channel.localAddress!)") try channel.closeFuture.wait() logger.info("Server closed") } } enum ResponseType { case string(String) case data(Data) } enum gopherFileType { case text case directory case nameserver case error case binhex case bindos case uuencoded case indexSearch case telnet case binary case redundantServer case tn3270Session case gif case image case bitmap case movie case sound case doc case html case message case png case rtf case wavfile case pdf case xml } func getFileType(fileExtension: String) -> gopherFileType { switch fileExtension { case "txt": return .text case "md": return .text case "html": return .html case "pdf": return .pdf case "png": return .png case "gif": return .gif case "jpg": return .image case "jpeg": return .image case "mp3": return .sound case "wav": return .wavfile case "mp4": return .movie case "mov": return .movie case "avi": return .movie case "rtf": return .rtf case "xml": return .xml default: return .binary } } func fileTypeToGopherItem(fileType: gopherFileType) -> String { switch fileType { case .text: return "0" case .directory: return "1" case .nameserver: return "2" case .error: return "3" case .binhex: return "4" case .bindos: return "5" case .uuencoded: return "6" case .indexSearch: return "7" case .telnet: return "8" case .binary: return "9" case .redundantServer: return "+" case .tn3270Session: return "T" case .gif: return "g" case .image: return "I" case .bitmap: return "b" case .movie: return "M" case .sound: return "s" case .doc: return "d" case .html: return "h" case .message: return "i" case .png: return "p" case .rtf: return "t" case .wavfile: return "w" case .pdf: return "P" case .xml: return "x" } } final class GopherHandler: ChannelInboundHandler { typealias InboundIn = ByteBuffer typealias OutboundOut = ByteBuffer let gopherdata_dir: String let gopherdata_host: String let gopherdata_port: Int let logger: Logger init( logger: Logger, gopherdata_dir: String = "./example-gopherdata", gopherdata_host: String = "localhost", gopherdata_port: Int = 70 ) { self.gopherdata_dir = gopherdata_dir self.gopherdata_host = gopherdata_host self.gopherdata_port = gopherdata_port self.logger = logger } func channelRead(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) { let input = self.unwrapInboundIn(data) guard let requestString = input.getString(at: 0, length: input.readableBytes) else { return } if let remoteAddress = context.remoteAddress { logger.info("Received request from \(remoteAddress) for \(requestString)") } else { logger.warning("Unable to retrieve remote address") } let response = processGopherRequest(requestString) var buffer: ByteBuffer switch response { case .string(let string): buffer = context.channel.allocator.buffer(string: string) case .data(let data): buffer = context.channel.allocator.buffer(bytes: data) } context.writeAndFlush(self.wrapOutboundOut(buffer)).whenComplete { _ in context.close(mode: .all, promise: nil) } } func requestHandler(path: URL) -> ResponseType { // Check if path is a directory or a file let fm = FileManager.default var isDir: ObjCBool = false if fm.fileExists(atPath: path.path, isDirectory: &isDir) { if isDir.boolValue { return .string(prepareGopherMenu(path: path)) } else { // Check if file is plain text or binary let fileExtension = path.pathExtension let fileType = getFileType(fileExtension: fileExtension) if fileType == .text || fileType == .html { do { let fileContents = try String(contentsOfFile: path.path, encoding: .utf8) return .string(fileContents) } catch { logger.error("Error reading file: \(path.path)") return .string("3Error reading file...\r\n") } } else { // Handle binary file do { let fileContents = try Data(contentsOf: path) return .data(fileContents) } catch { logger.error("Error reading file: \(path.path)") return .string("3Error reading file...\r\n") } } } } else { logger.error("Error reading file: \(path.path)") return .string("3Error reading file...\r\n") } } func preparePath(path: String = "/") -> URL { var sanitizedPath = sanitizeSelectorPath(path: path) let base_dir = URL(fileURLWithPath: gopherdata_dir) if base_dir.path.hasSuffix("/") && sanitizedPath.hasPrefix("/") { sanitizedPath = String(sanitizedPath.dropFirst()) } let full_path = base_dir.appendingPathComponent(sanitizedPath) return full_path } func prepareGopherMenu(path: URL = URL(string: "/")!) -> String { var gopherResponse: [String] = [] let fm = FileManager.default let absolute_base_path = URL(fileURLWithPath: gopherdata_dir) let relative_path = path.path.replacingOccurrences(of: absolute_base_path.path, with: "") do { let gophermap_path = path.appendingPathComponent("gophermap") if fm.fileExists(atPath: gophermap_path.path) { let gophermap_contents = try String(contentsOfFile: gophermap_path.path, encoding: .utf8) let gophermap_lines = gophermap_contents.components(separatedBy: "\n") for originalLine in gophermap_lines { // Only keep first 80 characters var line = String(originalLine)//.prefix(80) if "0123456789+gIT:; 1 { if line.hasSuffix("\n") { line = String(line.dropLast()) } if line.prefix(1) == "i" { gopherResponse.append("\(line)\r\n") continue } let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "\\t+| {2,}") let nsString = line as NSString let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: nsString.length) let matches = regex.matches(in: String(line), range: range) var lastRangeEnd = 0 var components = [String]() for match in matches { let range = NSRange( location: lastRangeEnd, length: match.range.location - lastRangeEnd) components.append(nsString.substring(with: range)) lastRangeEnd = match.range.location + match.range.length } if lastRangeEnd < nsString.length { components.append(nsString.substring(from: lastRangeEnd)) } if components.count < 3 { continue } let item_name = components[0] let item_path = components[1] let item_host = components[2] let item_port = components.count > 3 ? components[3] : "70" let item_line = "\(item_name)\t\(item_path)\t\(item_host)\t\(item_port)\r\n" gopherResponse.append(item_line) } else { line = line.replacingOccurrences(of: "\n", with: "") gopherResponse.append("i\(line)\r\n") } } } else { let items = try fm.contentsOfDirectory(at: path, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil) for item in items { let item_name = item.lastPathComponent var item_type = "" if try item.resourceValues(forKeys: [.isDirectoryKey]).isDirectory ?? false { item_type = "1" } else { let fileType = getFileType(fileExtension: item.pathExtension) item_type = fileTypeToGopherItem(fileType: fileType) } let item_path = "\(relative_path)\(relative_path.hasSuffix("/") ? "" : "/")\(item_name)" .replacingOccurrences(of: "//", with: "/") let item_host = gopherdata_host let item_port = gopherdata_port let item_line = "\(item_type)\(item_name)\t\(item_path)\t\(item_host)\t\(item_port)\r\n" gopherResponse.append(item_line) } } } catch { logger.error("Error reading directory: \(path.path)") gopherResponse.append("3Error reading directory...\r\n") } // Append Search let search_line = "7Search Server\t/swiftSearch\t\(gopherdata_host)\t\(gopherdata_port)\r\n" gopherResponse.append(search_line) return gopherResponse.joined(separator: "") } func performSearch(query: String) -> String { // Really basic search implementation var search_results = [String: String]() let fm = FileManager.default let base_dir = URL(fileURLWithPath: gopherdata_dir) let enumerator = fm.enumerator(at: base_dir, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil) while let file = enumerator?.nextObject() as? URL { let file_name = file.lastPathComponent let file_path = file.path let file_type = try? file.resourceValues(forKeys: [.isDirectoryKey]).isDirectory ?? false ? "1" : "0" if file_type == "0" { // Check if file name or contents match the query let file_contents = try? String(contentsOfFile: file_path, encoding: .utf8) if file_name.lowercased().contains(query) || (file_contents?.lowercased().contains(query) ?? false) { search_results[file_name] = file_path } } else { // Check if directory name matches the query if file_name.lowercased().contains(query) { search_results[file_name] = file_path } } } // Prepare Gopher menu with search results var gopherResponse: [String] = [] for (_, file_path) in search_results { let item_type = try? URL(fileURLWithPath: file_path).resourceValues(forKeys: [.isDirectoryKey]).isDirectory ?? false ? "1" : "0" let item_host = gopherdata_host let item_port = gopherdata_port let item_path = file_path.replacingOccurrences(of: base_dir.path, with: "") let item_line = "\(item_type ?? "0")\(item_path)\t\(item_path)\t\(item_host)\t\(item_port)\r\n" gopherResponse.append(item_line) } if gopherResponse.count == 0 { gopherResponse.append("iNo results found for the query \(query)\r\n") } return gopherResponse.joined(separator: "") } func sanitizeSelectorPath(path: String) -> String { // Replace \r\n with empty string var sanitizedRequest = path.replacingOccurrences(of: "\r\n", with: "") // Basic escape against directory traversal while sanitizedRequest.contains("..") { sanitizedRequest = sanitizedRequest.replacingOccurrences(of: "..", with: "") } while sanitizedRequest.contains("//") { sanitizedRequest = sanitizedRequest.replacingOccurrences(of: "//", with: "/") } return sanitizedRequest } func channelReadComplete(context: ChannelHandlerContext) { context.flush() } func errorCaught(context: ChannelHandlerContext, error: Error) { print("Error: \(error)") logger.error("Error: \(error)") context.close(promise: nil) } private func processGopherRequest(_ request: String) -> ResponseType { // Implement your logic to handle the Gopher request and return a response // For example, you can retrieve a document based on the request string // Return the document or an appropriate response as a string // Example response (you should replace this with actual logic) if request == "\r\n" { return .string(prepareGopherMenu(path: preparePath())) } else if !request.contains("\t") { //TODO: Potential Bug in Gopher implementation? curl gopher://localhost:8080/new_folder/ does not work but curl gopher://localhost:8080//new_folder/ works (tested with gopher://gopher.meulie.net//EFFector/ as well) return requestHandler(path: preparePath(path: request)) } else if request.contains("\t") { var searchQuery = request.components(separatedBy: "\t")[1] searchQuery = searchQuery.replacingOccurrences(of: "\r\n", with: "") return .string(performSearch(query: searchQuery.lowercased())) } return .string( "Hello from Gopher Server! You requested: \(request), but this request could not be processed.\r\n" ) } }