diff options
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/snooper.py b/snooper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..489ea37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snooper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+import praw
+import readability
+import os
+import time
+from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
+def donotcolourmeplease():
+ global red, yellow, green, purple, white, reset, blue
+ red = ""
+ green = ""
+ yellow = ""
+ purple = ""
+ white = ""
+ reset = ""
+ blue = ""
+def colourmeplease():
+ global red, purple, green, yellow, white, reset, blue
+ red = "\033[1;31m"
+ green = "\033[1;32m"
+ blue = "\033[1;34m"
+ yellow = "\033[1;33m"
+ purple = "\033[1;35m"
+ white = "\033[1;37m"
+ reset = "\033[39m"
+analyser = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
+reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id='0YYkleuCm6H9yQ', client_secret='aljmxJ3YbkDheiEt8KknwpsKVqo', user_agent='Snooper by navanchauhan')
+username = "PrudentWish"
+redditor = reddit.redditor(username)
+def getCommentsKarma():
+ commentsKarma = redditor.comment_karma
+ return commentsKarma
+def getPostsKarma():
+ postsKarma = redditor.link_karma
+ return postsKarma
+def getComments():
+ comments = [ ]
+ for i in redditor.comments.new(limit=1000):
+ ib = i.body
+ comments.append(ib)
+ return comments
+def getPosts():
+ posts = [ ]
+ for i in redditor.submissions.new(limit=1000):
+ posts.append(i)
+ return posts
+def isMod():
+ answer = redditor.is_mod
+ print(white, "Is Mod?", yellow, answer, reset)
+def isEmployee():
+ answer = redditor.is_employee
+ print(white, "Is Employee?", yellow, answer, reset)
+def isgold():
+ answer = redditor.is_gold
+ print(white, "Gilded Currently?", yellow, answer, reset)
+def hasVerifiedEmail():
+ answer = redditor.has_verified_email
+ print(white, "Veriefied Email?", yellow, answer, reset)
+def createdOn():
+ answer = redditor.created_utc
+ answer = time.ctime(answer)
+ print(white, "Account Created On:", yellow, answer, reset)
+def performMagic():
+ comments = []
+ scores = []
+ text = ""
+ for i in redditor.comments.top(limit=1000):
+ txt = i.body
+ comments.append(txt)
+ text += str(", " + i.body)
+ score = i.score
+ scores.append(score)
+ print(white, "Most Downvoted Comment: \n", red, comments[-1], white, "\nScore: \n", red, scores[-1], reset)
+ print(white, "Most Upvoted Comment: \n", yellow, comments[0], white, "\nScore: \n", yellow, scores[0], reset)
+ results = readability.getmeasures(text, lang='en')
+ print(white, "Reading Ease: ", yellow, results['readability grades']['FleschReadingEase'], reset)
+ score = analyser.polarity_scores(text)
+ lb = score['compound']
+ print(white, "Sentiment Analysis", reset)
+ if(lb >= 0.75):
+ print(blue, "Cheerful Person", reset)
+ elif(lb >= 0.45):
+ print(purple, "Neutral boi", reset)
+ else:
+ print(red, "Depressed Soul", reset)
+def printDetails():
+ print(username.center(100))
+ print("Karma Breakdown")
+ print("Comments:", redditor.comment_karma)
+ print("Posts:", redditor.link_karma)
+ allcomments = []
+ for comments in redditor.comments.new(limit=1000):
+ allcomments.append(allcomments)
+ print("No. of Comments:", len(allcomments))
+ allposts = []
+ for posts in redditor.submissions.new(limit=1000):
+ allposts.append(allposts)
+ print("No. of Posts:", len(allposts))
+def calculateEtPrint():
+ print(purple)
+ print(username.center(100))
+ print(reset)
+ commentsKarma = getCommentsKarma()
+ postsKamra = getPostsKarma()
+ Comments = getComments()
+ Posts = getPosts()
+ AvgCommentKarma = commentsKarma/len(Comments)
+ AvgPostKarma = postsKamra/len(Posts)
+ print(white, "Total Karma from Comments: ", yellow, commentsKarma, reset)
+ print(white, "TotaL Karma from Posts:", yellow, postsKamra, reset)
+ print(white, "Avg. Posts Karma:", yellow, AvgPostKarma, reset)
+ print(white, "Avg. Comments Karma", yellow, AvgCommentKarma, reset)
+ isMod()
+ isEmployee()
+ isgold()
+ createdOn()
+ performMagic()
+if(os.name == "posix" or "darwin" or "linux"):
+ colourmeplease()
+ donotcolourmeplease()