path: root/plip/structure/detection.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'plip/structure/detection.py')
1 files changed, 500 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/plip/structure/detection.py b/plip/structure/detection.py
index 71fec63..6a2eeb7 100644
--- a/plip/structure/detection.py
+++ b/plip/structure/detection.py
@@ -11,25 +11,30 @@ from plip.basic.supplemental import whichresnumber, whichrestype, whichchain
logger = logger.get_logger()
def filter_contacts(pairings):
"""Filter interactions by two criteria:
1. No interactions between the same residue (important for intra mode).
2. No duplicate interactions (A with B and B with A, also important for intra mode)."""
if not config.INTRA:
return pairings
- filtered1_pairings = [p for p in pairings if (p.resnr, p.reschain) != (p.resnr_l, p.reschain_l)]
+ filtered1_pairings = [
+ p for p in pairings if (p.resnr, p.reschain) != (p.resnr_l, p.reschain_l)
+ ]
already_considered = []
filtered2_pairings = []
for contact in filtered1_pairings:
- dist = 'D{}'.format(round(contact.distance, 2))
+ dist = "D{}".format(round(contact.distance, 2))
except AttributeError:
- dist = 'D{}'.format(round(contact.distance_ah, 2))
+ dist = "D{}".format(round(contact.distance_ah, 2))
except AttributeError:
- dist = 'D{}'.format(round(contact.distance_aw, 2))
- res1, res2 = ''.join([str(contact.resnr), contact.reschain]), ''.join(
- [str(contact.resnr_l), contact.reschain_l])
+ dist = "D{}".format(round(contact.distance_aw, 2))
+ res1, res2 = (
+ "".join([str(contact.resnr), contact.reschain]),
+ "".join([str(contact.resnr_l), contact.reschain_l]),
+ )
data = {res1, res2, dist}
if data not in already_considered:
@@ -41,12 +46,16 @@ def filter_contacts(pairings):
def hydrophobic_interactions(atom_set_a, atom_set_b):
"""Detection of hydrophobic pliprofiler between atom_set_a (binding site) and atom_set_b (ligand).
Definition: All pairs of qualified carbon atoms within a distance of HYDROPH_DIST_MAX
- data = namedtuple('hydroph_interaction', 'bsatom bsatom_orig_idx ligatom ligatom_orig_idx '
- 'distance restype resnr reschain restype_l, resnr_l, reschain_l')
+ data = namedtuple(
+ "hydroph_interaction",
+ "bsatom bsatom_orig_idx ligatom ligatom_orig_idx "
+ "distance restype resnr reschain restype_l, resnr_l, reschain_l",
+ )
pairings = []
for a, b in itertools.product(atom_set_a, atom_set_b):
if a.orig_idx == b.orig_idx:
@@ -54,12 +63,29 @@ def hydrophobic_interactions(atom_set_a, atom_set_b):
e = euclidean3d(a.atom.coords, b.atom.coords)
if not config.MIN_DIST < e < config.HYDROPH_DIST_MAX:
- restype, resnr, reschain = whichrestype(a.atom), whichresnumber(a.atom), whichchain(a.atom)
- restype_l, resnr_l, reschain_l = whichrestype(b.orig_atom), whichresnumber(b.orig_atom), whichchain(b.orig_atom)
- contact = data(bsatom=a.atom, bsatom_orig_idx=a.orig_idx, ligatom=b.atom, ligatom_orig_idx=b.orig_idx,
- distance=e, restype=restype, resnr=resnr,
- reschain=reschain, restype_l=restype_l,
- resnr_l=resnr_l, reschain_l=reschain_l)
+ restype, resnr, reschain = (
+ whichrestype(a.atom),
+ whichresnumber(a.atom),
+ whichchain(a.atom),
+ )
+ restype_l, resnr_l, reschain_l = (
+ whichrestype(b.orig_atom),
+ whichresnumber(b.orig_atom),
+ whichchain(b.orig_atom),
+ )
+ contact = data(
+ bsatom=a.atom,
+ bsatom_orig_idx=a.orig_idx,
+ ligatom=b.atom,
+ ligatom_orig_idx=b.orig_idx,
+ distance=e,
+ restype=restype,
+ resnr=resnr,
+ reschain=reschain,
+ restype_l=restype_l,
+ resnr_l=resnr_l,
+ reschain_l=reschain_l,
+ )
return filter_contacts(pairings)
@@ -70,43 +96,79 @@ def hbonds(acceptors, donor_pairs, protisdon, typ):
donor hydrogens and acceptor showing a distance within HBOND DIST MIN and HBOND DIST MAX
and donor angles above HBOND_DON_ANGLE_MIN
- data = namedtuple('hbond', 'a a_orig_idx d d_orig_idx h distance_ah distance_ad angle type protisdon resnr '
- 'restype reschain resnr_l restype_l reschain_l sidechain atype dtype')
+ data = namedtuple(
+ "hbond",
+ "a a_orig_idx d d_orig_idx h distance_ah distance_ad angle type protisdon resnr "
+ "restype reschain resnr_l restype_l reschain_l sidechain atype dtype",
+ )
pairings = []
for acc, don in itertools.product(acceptors, donor_pairs):
- if not typ == 'strong':
+ if not typ == "strong":
# Regular (strong) hydrogen bonds
dist_ah = euclidean3d(acc.a.coords, don.h.coords)
dist_ad = euclidean3d(acc.a.coords, don.d.coords)
if not config.MIN_DIST < dist_ad < config.HBOND_DIST_MAX:
- vec1, vec2 = vector(don.h.coords, don.d.coords), vector(don.h.coords, acc.a.coords)
+ vec1, vec2 = (
+ vector(don.h.coords, don.d.coords),
+ vector(don.h.coords, acc.a.coords),
+ )
v = vecangle(vec1, vec2)
if not v > config.HBOND_DON_ANGLE_MIN:
protatom = don.d.OBAtom if protisdon else acc.a.OBAtom
ligatom = don.d.OBAtom if not protisdon else acc.a.OBAtom
- is_sidechain_hbond = protatom.GetResidue().GetAtomProperty(protatom, 8) # Check if sidechain atom
+ is_sidechain_hbond = protatom.GetResidue().GetAtomProperty(
+ protatom, 8
+ ) # Check if sidechain atom
resnr = whichresnumber(don.d) if protisdon else whichresnumber(acc.a)
- resnr_l = whichresnumber(acc.a_orig_atom) if protisdon else whichresnumber(don.d_orig_atom)
+ resnr_l = (
+ whichresnumber(acc.a_orig_atom)
+ if protisdon
+ else whichresnumber(don.d_orig_atom)
+ )
restype = whichrestype(don.d) if protisdon else whichrestype(acc.a)
- restype_l = whichrestype(acc.a_orig_atom) if protisdon else whichrestype(don.d_orig_atom)
+ restype_l = (
+ whichrestype(acc.a_orig_atom)
+ if protisdon
+ else whichrestype(don.d_orig_atom)
+ )
reschain = whichchain(don.d) if protisdon else whichchain(acc.a)
- rechain_l = whichchain(acc.a_orig_atom) if protisdon else whichchain(don.d_orig_atom)
+ rechain_l = (
+ whichchain(acc.a_orig_atom) if protisdon else whichchain(don.d_orig_atom)
+ )
# Next line prevents H-Bonds within amino acids in intermolecular interactions
if config.INTRA is not None and whichresnumber(don.d) == whichresnumber(acc.a):
# Next line prevents backbone-backbone H-Bonds
- if config.INTRA is not None and protatom.GetResidue().GetAtomProperty(protatom,
- 8) and ligatom.GetResidue().GetAtomProperty(
- ligatom, 8):
+ if (
+ config.INTRA is not None
+ and protatom.GetResidue().GetAtomProperty(protatom, 8)
+ and ligatom.GetResidue().GetAtomProperty(ligatom, 8)
+ ):
- contact = data(a=acc.a, a_orig_idx=acc.a_orig_idx, d=don.d, d_orig_idx=don.d_orig_idx, h=don.h,
- distance_ah=dist_ah, distance_ad=dist_ad, angle=v, type=typ, protisdon=protisdon,
- resnr=resnr, restype=restype, reschain=reschain, resnr_l=resnr_l,
- restype_l=restype_l, reschain_l=rechain_l, sidechain=is_sidechain_hbond,
- atype=acc.a.type, dtype=don.d.type)
+ contact = data(
+ a=acc.a,
+ a_orig_idx=acc.a_orig_idx,
+ d=don.d,
+ d_orig_idx=don.d_orig_idx,
+ h=don.h,
+ distance_ah=dist_ah,
+ distance_ad=dist_ad,
+ angle=v,
+ type=typ,
+ protisdon=protisdon,
+ resnr=resnr,
+ restype=restype,
+ reschain=reschain,
+ resnr_l=resnr_l,
+ restype_l=restype_l,
+ reschain_l=rechain_l,
+ sidechain=is_sidechain_hbond,
+ atype=acc.a.type,
+ dtype=don.d.type,
+ )
return filter_contacts(pairings)
@@ -114,14 +176,17 @@ def hbonds(acceptors, donor_pairs, protisdon, typ):
def pistacking(rings_bs, rings_lig):
"""Return all pi-stackings between the given aromatic ring systems in receptor and ligand."""
data = namedtuple(
- 'pistack',
- 'proteinring ligandring distance angle offset type restype resnr reschain restype_l resnr_l reschain_l')
+ "pistack",
+ "proteinring ligandring distance angle offset type restype resnr reschain restype_l resnr_l reschain_l",
+ )
pairings = []
for r, l in itertools.product(rings_bs, rings_lig):
d = euclidean3d(r.center, l.center)
b = vecangle(r.normal, l.normal)
- a = min(b, 180 - b if not 180 - b < 0 else b) # Smallest of two angles, depending on direction of normal
+ a = min(
+ b, 180 - b if not 180 - b < 0 else b
+ ) # Smallest of two angles, depending on direction of normal
# RING CENTER OFFSET CALCULATION (project each ring center into the other ring)
proj1 = projection(l.normal, l.center, r.center)
@@ -129,24 +194,45 @@ def pistacking(rings_bs, rings_lig):
offset = min(euclidean3d(proj1, l.center), euclidean3d(proj2, r.center))
- resnr, restype, reschain = whichresnumber(r.atoms[0]), whichrestype(r.atoms[0]), whichchain(r.atoms[0])
- resnr_l, restype_l, reschain_l = whichresnumber(l.orig_atoms[0]), whichrestype(
- l.orig_atoms[0]), whichchain(l.orig_atoms[0])
+ resnr, restype, reschain = (
+ whichresnumber(r.atoms[0]),
+ whichrestype(r.atoms[0]),
+ whichchain(r.atoms[0]),
+ )
+ resnr_l, restype_l, reschain_l = (
+ whichresnumber(l.orig_atoms[0]),
+ whichrestype(l.orig_atoms[0]),
+ whichchain(l.orig_atoms[0]),
+ )
passed = False
if not config.MIN_DIST < d < config.PISTACK_DIST_MAX:
if 0 < a < config.PISTACK_ANG_DEV and offset < config.PISTACK_OFFSET_MAX:
- ptype = 'P'
+ ptype = "P"
passed = True
- if 90 - config.PISTACK_ANG_DEV < a < 90 + config.PISTACK_ANG_DEV and offset < config.PISTACK_OFFSET_MAX:
- ptype = 'T'
+ if (
+ 90 - config.PISTACK_ANG_DEV < a < 90 + config.PISTACK_ANG_DEV
+ and offset < config.PISTACK_OFFSET_MAX
+ ):
+ ptype = "T"
passed = True
if passed:
- contact = data(proteinring=r, ligandring=l, distance=d, angle=a, offset=offset,
- type=ptype, resnr=resnr, restype=restype, reschain=reschain,
- resnr_l=resnr_l, restype_l=restype_l, reschain_l=reschain_l)
+ contact = data(
+ proteinring=r,
+ ligandring=l,
+ distance=d,
+ angle=a,
+ offset=offset,
+ type=ptype,
+ resnr=resnr,
+ restype=restype,
+ reschain=reschain,
+ resnr_l=resnr_l,
+ restype_l=restype_l,
+ reschain_l=reschain_l,
+ )
return filter_contacts(pairings)
@@ -156,7 +242,9 @@ def pication(rings, pos_charged, protcharged):
For tertiary and quaternary amines, check also the angle between the ring and the nitrogen.
data = namedtuple(
- 'pication', 'ring charge distance offset type restype resnr reschain restype_l resnr_l reschain_l protcharged')
+ "pication",
+ "ring charge distance offset type restype resnr reschain restype_l resnr_l reschain_l protcharged",
+ )
pairings = []
if len(rings) == 0 or len(pos_charged) == 0:
return pairings
@@ -167,38 +255,92 @@ def pication(rings, pos_charged, protcharged):
# Project the center of charge into the ring and measure distance to ring center
proj = projection(ring.normal, ring.center, p.center)
offset = euclidean3d(proj, ring.center)
- if not config.MIN_DIST < d < config.PICATION_DIST_MAX or not offset < config.PISTACK_OFFSET_MAX:
+ if (
+ not config.MIN_DIST < d < config.PICATION_DIST_MAX
+ or not offset < config.PISTACK_OFFSET_MAX
+ ):
- if type(p).__name__ == 'lcharge' and p.fgroup == 'tertamine':
+ if type(p).__name__ == "lcharge" and p.fgroup == "tertamine":
# Special case here if the ligand has a tertiary amine, check an additional angle
# Otherwise, we might have have a pi-cation interaction 'through' the ligand
- n_atoms = [a_neighbor for a_neighbor in OBAtomAtomIter(p.atoms[0].OBAtom)]
+ n_atoms = [
+ a_neighbor for a_neighbor in OBAtomAtomIter(p.atoms[0].OBAtom)
+ ]
n_atoms_coords = [(a.x(), a.y(), a.z()) for a in n_atoms]
- amine_normal = np.cross(vector(n_atoms_coords[0], n_atoms_coords[1]),
- vector(n_atoms_coords[2], n_atoms_coords[0]))
+ amine_normal = np.cross(
+ vector(n_atoms_coords[0], n_atoms_coords[1]),
+ vector(n_atoms_coords[2], n_atoms_coords[0]),
+ )
b = vecangle(ring.normal, amine_normal)
# Smallest of two angles, depending on direction of normal
a = min(b, 180 - b if not 180 - b < 0 else b)
if not a > 30.0:
- resnr, restype = whichresnumber(ring.atoms[0]), whichrestype(ring.atoms[0])
+ resnr, restype = (
+ whichresnumber(ring.atoms[0]),
+ whichrestype(ring.atoms[0]),
+ )
reschain = whichchain(ring.atoms[0])
- resnr_l, restype_l = whichresnumber(p.orig_atoms[0]), whichrestype(p.orig_atoms[0])
+ resnr_l, restype_l = (
+ whichresnumber(p.orig_atoms[0]),
+ whichrestype(p.orig_atoms[0]),
+ )
reschain_l = whichchain(p.orig_atoms[0])
- contact = data(ring=ring, charge=p, distance=d, offset=offset, type='regular',
- restype=restype, resnr=resnr, reschain=reschain,
- restype_l=restype_l, resnr_l=resnr_l, reschain_l=reschain_l,
- protcharged=protcharged)
+ contact = data(
+ ring=ring,
+ charge=p,
+ distance=d,
+ offset=offset,
+ type="regular",
+ restype=restype,
+ resnr=resnr,
+ reschain=reschain,
+ restype_l=restype_l,
+ resnr_l=resnr_l,
+ reschain_l=reschain_l,
+ protcharged=protcharged,
+ )
- resnr = whichresnumber(p.atoms[0]) if protcharged else whichresnumber(ring.atoms[0])
- resnr_l = whichresnumber(ring.orig_atoms[0]) if protcharged else whichresnumber(p.orig_atoms[0])
- restype = whichrestype(p.atoms[0]) if protcharged else whichrestype(ring.atoms[0])
- restype_l = whichrestype(ring.orig_atoms[0]) if protcharged else whichrestype(p.orig_atoms[0])
- reschain = whichchain(p.atoms[0]) if protcharged else whichchain(ring.atoms[0])
- reschain_l = whichchain(ring.orig_atoms[0]) if protcharged else whichchain(p.orig_atoms[0])
- contact = data(ring=ring, charge=p, distance=d, offset=offset, type='regular', restype=restype,
- resnr=resnr, reschain=reschain, restype_l=restype_l, resnr_l=resnr_l,
- reschain_l=reschain_l, protcharged=protcharged)
+ resnr = (
+ whichresnumber(p.atoms[0])
+ if protcharged
+ else whichresnumber(ring.atoms[0])
+ )
+ resnr_l = (
+ whichresnumber(ring.orig_atoms[0])
+ if protcharged
+ else whichresnumber(p.orig_atoms[0])
+ )
+ restype = (
+ whichrestype(p.atoms[0]) if protcharged else whichrestype(ring.atoms[0])
+ )
+ restype_l = (
+ whichrestype(ring.orig_atoms[0])
+ if protcharged
+ else whichrestype(p.orig_atoms[0])
+ )
+ reschain = (
+ whichchain(p.atoms[0]) if protcharged else whichchain(ring.atoms[0])
+ )
+ reschain_l = (
+ whichchain(ring.orig_atoms[0])
+ if protcharged
+ else whichchain(p.orig_atoms[0])
+ )
+ contact = data(
+ ring=ring,
+ charge=p,
+ distance=d,
+ offset=offset,
+ type="regular",
+ restype=restype,
+ resnr=resnr,
+ reschain=reschain,
+ restype_l=restype_l,
+ resnr_l=resnr_l,
+ reschain_l=reschain_l,
+ protcharged=protcharged,
+ )
return filter_contacts(pairings)
@@ -206,59 +348,124 @@ def pication(rings, pos_charged, protcharged):
def saltbridge(poscenter, negcenter, protispos):
"""Detect all salt bridges (pliprofiler between centers of positive and negative charge)"""
data = namedtuple(
- 'saltbridge', 'positive negative distance protispos resnr restype reschain resnr_l restype_l reschain_l')
+ "saltbridge",
+ "positive negative distance protispos resnr restype reschain resnr_l restype_l reschain_l",
+ )
pairings = []
for pc, nc in itertools.product(poscenter, negcenter):
- if not config.MIN_DIST < euclidean3d(pc.center, nc.center) < config.SALTBRIDGE_DIST_MAX:
+ if (
+ not config.MIN_DIST
+ < euclidean3d(pc.center, nc.center)
+ ):
resnr = pc.resnr if protispos else nc.resnr
- resnr_l = whichresnumber(nc.orig_atoms[0]) if protispos else whichresnumber(pc.orig_atoms[0])
+ resnr_l = (
+ whichresnumber(nc.orig_atoms[0])
+ if protispos
+ else whichresnumber(pc.orig_atoms[0])
+ )
restype = pc.restype if protispos else nc.restype
- restype_l = whichrestype(nc.orig_atoms[0]) if protispos else whichrestype(pc.orig_atoms[0])
+ restype_l = (
+ whichrestype(nc.orig_atoms[0])
+ if protispos
+ else whichrestype(pc.orig_atoms[0])
+ )
reschain = pc.reschain if protispos else nc.reschain
- reschain_l = whichchain(nc.orig_atoms[0]) if protispos else whichchain(pc.orig_atoms[0])
- contact = data(positive=pc, negative=nc, distance=euclidean3d(pc.center, nc.center), protispos=protispos,
- resnr=resnr, restype=restype, reschain=reschain, resnr_l=resnr_l, restype_l=restype_l,
- reschain_l=reschain_l)
+ reschain_l = (
+ whichchain(nc.orig_atoms[0]) if protispos else whichchain(pc.orig_atoms[0])
+ )
+ contact = data(
+ positive=pc,
+ negative=nc,
+ distance=euclidean3d(pc.center, nc.center),
+ protispos=protispos,
+ resnr=resnr,
+ restype=restype,
+ reschain=reschain,
+ resnr_l=resnr_l,
+ restype_l=restype_l,
+ reschain_l=reschain_l,
+ )
return filter_contacts(pairings)
def halogen(acceptor, donor):
"""Detect all halogen bonds of the type Y-O...X-C"""
- data = namedtuple('halogenbond', 'acc acc_orig_idx don don_orig_idx distance don_angle acc_angle restype '
- 'resnr reschain restype_l resnr_l reschain_l donortype acctype sidechain')
+ data = namedtuple(
+ "halogenbond",
+ "acc acc_orig_idx don don_orig_idx distance don_angle acc_angle restype "
+ "resnr reschain restype_l resnr_l reschain_l donortype acctype sidechain",
+ )
pairings = []
for acc, don in itertools.product(acceptor, donor):
dist = euclidean3d(acc.o.coords, don.x.coords)
if not config.MIN_DIST < dist < config.HALOGEN_DIST_MAX:
- vec1, vec2 = vector(acc.o.coords, acc.y.coords), vector(acc.o.coords, don.x.coords)
- vec3, vec4 = vector(don.x.coords, acc.o.coords), vector(don.x.coords, don.c.coords)
+ vec1, vec2 = (
+ vector(acc.o.coords, acc.y.coords),
+ vector(acc.o.coords, don.x.coords),
+ )
+ vec3, vec4 = (
+ vector(don.x.coords, acc.o.coords),
+ vector(don.x.coords, don.c.coords),
+ )
acc_angle, don_angle = vecangle(vec1, vec2), vecangle(vec3, vec4)
- is_sidechain_hal = acc.o.OBAtom.GetResidue().GetAtomProperty(acc.o.OBAtom, 8) # Check if sidechain atom
- if not config.HALOGEN_ACC_ANGLE - config.HALOGEN_ANGLE_DEV < acc_angle \
+ is_sidechain_hal = acc.o.OBAtom.GetResidue().GetAtomProperty(
+ acc.o.OBAtom, 8
+ ) # Check if sidechain atom
+ if (
+ < acc_angle
+ ):
- if not config.HALOGEN_DON_ANGLE - config.HALOGEN_ANGLE_DEV < don_angle \
+ if (
+ < don_angle
+ ):
- restype, reschain, resnr = whichrestype(acc.o), whichchain(acc.o), whichresnumber(acc.o)
- restype_l, reschain_l, resnr_l = whichrestype(don.orig_x), whichchain(don.orig_x), whichresnumber(don.orig_x)
- contact = data(acc=acc, acc_orig_idx=acc.o_orig_idx, don=don, don_orig_idx=don.x_orig_idx,
- distance=dist, don_angle=don_angle, acc_angle=acc_angle,
- restype=restype, resnr=resnr,
- reschain=reschain, restype_l=restype_l,
- reschain_l=reschain_l, resnr_l=resnr_l, donortype=don.x.OBAtom.GetType(), acctype=acc.o.type,
- sidechain=is_sidechain_hal)
+ restype, reschain, resnr = (
+ whichrestype(acc.o),
+ whichchain(acc.o),
+ whichresnumber(acc.o),
+ )
+ restype_l, reschain_l, resnr_l = (
+ whichrestype(don.orig_x),
+ whichchain(don.orig_x),
+ whichresnumber(don.orig_x),
+ )
+ contact = data(
+ acc=acc,
+ acc_orig_idx=acc.o_orig_idx,
+ don=don,
+ don_orig_idx=don.x_orig_idx,
+ distance=dist,
+ don_angle=don_angle,
+ acc_angle=acc_angle,
+ restype=restype,
+ resnr=resnr,
+ reschain=reschain,
+ restype_l=restype_l,
+ reschain_l=reschain_l,
+ resnr_l=resnr_l,
+ donortype=don.x.OBAtom.GetType(),
+ acctype=acc.o.type,
+ sidechain=is_sidechain_hal,
+ )
return filter_contacts(pairings)
def water_bridges(bs_hba, lig_hba, bs_hbd, lig_hbd, water):
"""Find water-bridged hydrogen bonds between ligand and protein. For now only considers bridged of first degree."""
- data = namedtuple('waterbridge', 'a a_orig_idx atype d d_orig_idx dtype h water water_orig_idx distance_aw '
- 'distance_dw d_angle w_angle type resnr restype reschain resnr_l restype_l reschain_l protisdon')
+ data = namedtuple(
+ "waterbridge",
+ "a a_orig_idx atype d d_orig_idx dtype h water water_orig_idx distance_aw "
+ "distance_dw d_angle w_angle type resnr restype reschain resnr_l restype_l reschain_l protisdon",
+ )
pairings = []
# First find all acceptor-water pairs with distance within d
# and all donor-water pairs with distance within d and angle greater theta
@@ -274,15 +481,25 @@ def water_bridges(bs_hba, lig_hba, bs_hbd, lig_hbd, water):
prot_aw.append((acc2, w, dist))
for don1 in lig_hbd:
dist = euclidean3d(don1.d.coords, w.oxy.coords)
- d_angle = vecangle(vector(don1.h.coords, don1.d.coords), vector(don1.h.coords, w.oxy.coords))
- if config.WATER_BRIDGE_MINDIST <= dist <= config.WATER_BRIDGE_MAXDIST \
- and d_angle > config.WATER_BRIDGE_THETA_MIN:
+ d_angle = vecangle(
+ vector(don1.h.coords, don1.d.coords),
+ vector(don1.h.coords, w.oxy.coords),
+ )
+ if (
+ and d_angle > config.WATER_BRIDGE_THETA_MIN
+ ):
lig_dw.append((don1, w, dist, d_angle))
for don2 in bs_hbd:
dist = euclidean3d(don2.d.coords, w.oxy.coords)
- d_angle = vecangle(vector(don2.h.coords, don2.d.coords), vector(don2.h.coords, w.oxy.coords))
- if config.WATER_BRIDGE_MINDIST <= dist <= config.WATER_BRIDGE_MAXDIST \
- and d_angle > config.WATER_BRIDGE_THETA_MIN:
+ d_angle = vecangle(
+ vector(don2.h.coords, don2.d.coords),
+ vector(don2.h.coords, w.oxy.coords),
+ )
+ if (
+ and d_angle > config.WATER_BRIDGE_THETA_MIN
+ ):
prot_hw.append((don2, w, dist, d_angle))
for l, p in itertools.product(lig_aw, prot_hw):
@@ -291,17 +508,44 @@ def water_bridges(bs_hba, lig_hba, bs_hbd, lig_hbd, water):
if not wl.oxy == wd.oxy:
# Same water molecule and angle within omega
- w_angle = vecangle(vector(acc.a.coords, wl.oxy.coords), vector(wl.oxy.coords, don.h.coords))
+ w_angle = vecangle(
+ vector(acc.a.coords, wl.oxy.coords), vector(wl.oxy.coords, don.h.coords)
+ )
if not config.WATER_BRIDGE_OMEGA_MIN < w_angle < config.WATER_BRIDGE_OMEGA_MAX:
- resnr, reschain, restype = whichresnumber(don.d), whichchain(don.d), whichrestype(don.d)
- resnr_l, reschain_l, restype_l = whichresnumber(acc.a_orig_atom), whichchain(
- acc.a_orig_atom), whichrestype(acc.a_orig_atom)
- contact = data(a=acc.a, a_orig_idx=acc.a_orig_idx, atype=acc.a.type, d=don.d, d_orig_idx=don.d_orig_idx,
- dtype=don.d.type, h=don.h, water=wl.oxy, water_orig_idx=wl.oxy_orig_idx,
- distance_aw=distance_aw, distance_dw=distance_dw, d_angle=d_angle, w_angle=w_angle,
- type='first_deg', resnr=resnr, restype=restype,
- reschain=reschain, restype_l=restype_l, resnr_l=resnr_l, reschain_l=reschain_l, protisdon=True)
+ resnr, reschain, restype = (
+ whichresnumber(don.d),
+ whichchain(don.d),
+ whichrestype(don.d),
+ )
+ resnr_l, reschain_l, restype_l = (
+ whichresnumber(acc.a_orig_atom),
+ whichchain(acc.a_orig_atom),
+ whichrestype(acc.a_orig_atom),
+ )
+ contact = data(
+ a=acc.a,
+ a_orig_idx=acc.a_orig_idx,
+ atype=acc.a.type,
+ d=don.d,
+ d_orig_idx=don.d_orig_idx,
+ dtype=don.d.type,
+ h=don.h,
+ water=wl.oxy,
+ water_orig_idx=wl.oxy_orig_idx,
+ distance_aw=distance_aw,
+ distance_dw=distance_dw,
+ d_angle=d_angle,
+ w_angle=w_angle,
+ type="first_deg",
+ resnr=resnr,
+ restype=restype,
+ reschain=reschain,
+ restype_l=restype_l,
+ resnr_l=resnr_l,
+ reschain_l=reschain_l,
+ protisdon=True,
+ )
for p, l in itertools.product(prot_aw, lig_dw):
acc, wl, distance_aw = p
@@ -309,38 +553,71 @@ def water_bridges(bs_hba, lig_hba, bs_hbd, lig_hbd, water):
if not wl.oxy == wd.oxy:
# Same water molecule and angle within omega
- w_angle = vecangle(vector(acc.a.coords, wl.oxy.coords), vector(wl.oxy.coords, don.h.coords))
+ w_angle = vecangle(
+ vector(acc.a.coords, wl.oxy.coords), vector(wl.oxy.coords, don.h.coords)
+ )
if not config.WATER_BRIDGE_OMEGA_MIN < w_angle < config.WATER_BRIDGE_OMEGA_MAX:
- resnr, reschain, restype = whichresnumber(acc.a), whichchain(acc.a), whichrestype(acc.a)
- resnr_l, reschain_l, restype_l = whichresnumber(don.d_orig_atom), whichchain(
- don.d_orig_atom), whichrestype(don.d_orig_atom)
- contact = data(a=acc.a, a_orig_idx=acc.a_orig_idx, atype=acc.a.type, d=don.d, d_orig_idx=don.d_orig_idx,
- dtype=don.d.type, h=don.h, water=wl.oxy, water_orig_idx=wl.oxy_orig_idx,
- distance_aw=distance_aw, distance_dw=distance_dw,
- d_angle=d_angle, w_angle=w_angle, type='first_deg', resnr=resnr,
- restype=restype, reschain=reschain,
- restype_l=restype_l, reschain_l=reschain_l, resnr_l=resnr_l, protisdon=False)
+ resnr, reschain, restype = (
+ whichresnumber(acc.a),
+ whichchain(acc.a),
+ whichrestype(acc.a),
+ )
+ resnr_l, reschain_l, restype_l = (
+ whichresnumber(don.d_orig_atom),
+ whichchain(don.d_orig_atom),
+ whichrestype(don.d_orig_atom),
+ )
+ contact = data(
+ a=acc.a,
+ a_orig_idx=acc.a_orig_idx,
+ atype=acc.a.type,
+ d=don.d,
+ d_orig_idx=don.d_orig_idx,
+ dtype=don.d.type,
+ h=don.h,
+ water=wl.oxy,
+ water_orig_idx=wl.oxy_orig_idx,
+ distance_aw=distance_aw,
+ distance_dw=distance_dw,
+ d_angle=d_angle,
+ w_angle=w_angle,
+ type="first_deg",
+ resnr=resnr,
+ restype=restype,
+ reschain=reschain,
+ restype_l=restype_l,
+ reschain_l=reschain_l,
+ resnr_l=resnr_l,
+ protisdon=False,
+ )
return filter_contacts(pairings)
def metal_complexation(metals, metal_binding_lig, metal_binding_bs):
"""Find all metal complexes between metals and appropriate groups in both protein and ligand, as well as water"""
- data = namedtuple('metal_complex', 'metal metal_orig_idx metal_type target target_orig_idx target_type '
- 'coordination_num distance resnr restype '
- 'reschain restype_l reschain_l resnr_l location rms, geometry num_partners complexnum')
+ data = namedtuple(
+ "metal_complex",
+ "metal metal_orig_idx metal_type target target_orig_idx target_type "
+ "coordination_num distance resnr restype "
+ "reschain restype_l reschain_l resnr_l location rms, geometry num_partners complexnum",
+ )
pairings_dict = {}
pairings = []
# #@todo Refactor
metal_to_id = {}
metal_to_orig_atom = {}
- for metal, target in itertools.product(metals, metal_binding_lig + metal_binding_bs):
+ for metal, target in itertools.product(
+ metals, metal_binding_lig + metal_binding_bs
+ ):
distance = euclidean3d(metal.m.coords, target.atom.coords)
if not distance < config.METAL_DIST_MAX:
if metal.m not in pairings_dict:
- pairings_dict[metal.m] = [(target, distance), ]
+ pairings_dict[metal.m] = [
+ (target, distance),
+ ]
metal_to_id[metal.m] = metal.m_orig_idx
metal_to_orig_atom[metal.m] = metal.orig_m
@@ -354,24 +631,32 @@ def metal_complexation(metals, metal_binding_lig, metal_binding_bs):
vectors_dict = defaultdict(list)
for contact_pair in contact_pairs:
target, distance = contact_pair
- vectors_dict[target.atom.idx].append(vector(metal.coords, target.atom.coords))
+ vectors_dict[target.atom.idx].append(
+ vector(metal.coords, target.atom.coords)
+ )
# Listing of coordination numbers and their geometries
- configs = {2: ['linear', ],
- 3: ['trigonal.planar', 'trigonal.pyramidal'],
- 4: ['tetrahedral', 'square.planar'],
- 5: ['trigonal.bipyramidal', 'square.pyramidal'],
- 6: ['octahedral', ]}
+ configs = {
+ 2: ["linear",],
+ 3: ["trigonal.planar", "trigonal.pyramidal"],
+ 4: ["tetrahedral", "square.planar"],
+ 5: ["trigonal.bipyramidal", "square.pyramidal"],
+ 6: ["octahedral",],
+ }
# Angle signatures for each geometry (as seen from each target atom)
- ideal_angles = {'linear': [[180.0]] * 2,
- 'trigonal.planar': [[120.0, 120.0]] * 3,
- 'trigonal.pyramidal': [[109.5, 109.5]] * 3,
- 'tetrahedral': [[109.5, 109.5, 109.5, 109.5]] * 4,
- 'square.planar': [[90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]] * 4,
- 'trigonal.bipyramidal': [[120.0, 120.0, 90.0, 90.0]] * 3 + [[90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 180.0]] * 2,
- 'square.pyramidal': [[90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 180.0]] * 4 + [[90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]],
- 'octahedral': [[90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 180.0]] * 6}
+ ideal_angles = {
+ "linear": [[180.0]] * 2,
+ "trigonal.planar": [[120.0, 120.0]] * 3,
+ "trigonal.pyramidal": [[109.5, 109.5]] * 3,
+ "tetrahedral": [[109.5, 109.5, 109.5, 109.5]] * 4,
+ "square.planar": [[90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]] * 4,
+ "trigonal.bipyramidal": [[120.0, 120.0, 90.0, 90.0]] * 3
+ + [[90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 180.0]] * 2,
+ "square.pyramidal": [[90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 180.0]] * 4
+ + [[90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]],
+ "octahedral": [[90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 180.0]] * 6,
+ }
angles_dict = {}
for target in vectors_dict:
@@ -380,27 +665,40 @@ def metal_complexation(metals, metal_binding_lig, metal_binding_bs):
for t in vectors_dict:
if not t == target:
[other_vectors.append(x) for x in vectors_dict[t]]
- angles = [vecangle(pair[0], pair[1]) for pair in itertools.product(cur_vector, other_vectors)]
+ angles = [
+ vecangle(pair[0], pair[1])
+ for pair in itertools.product(cur_vector, other_vectors)
+ ]
angles_dict[target] = angles
all_total = [] # Record fit information for each geometry tested
- gdata = namedtuple('gdata', 'geometry rms coordination excluded diff_targets') # Geometry Data
+ gdata = namedtuple(
+ "gdata", "geometry rms coordination excluded diff_targets"
+ ) # Geometry Data
# Can't specify geometry with only one target
if num_targets == 1:
- final_geom = 'NA'
+ final_geom = "NA"
final_coo = 1
excluded = []
rms = 0.0
- for coo in sorted(configs, reverse=True): # Start with highest coordination number
+ for coo in sorted(
+ configs, reverse=True
+ ): # Start with highest coordination number
geometries = configs[coo]
for geometry in geometries:
- signature = ideal_angles[geometry] # Set of ideal angles for geometry, from each perspective
+ signature = ideal_angles[
+ geometry
+ ] # Set of ideal angles for geometry, from each perspective
geometry_total = 0
- geometry_scores = [] # All scores for one geometry (from all subsignatures)
+ geometry_scores = (
+ []
+ ) # All scores for one geometry (from all subsignatures)
used_up_targets = [] # Use each target just once for a subsignature
not_used = []
- coo_diff = num_targets - coo # How many more observed targets are there?
+ coo_diff = (
+ num_targets - coo
+ ) # How many more observed targets are there?
# Find best match for each subsignature
for subsignature in signature: # Ideal angles from one perspective
@@ -409,7 +707,9 @@ def metal_complexation(metals, metal_binding_lig, metal_binding_bs):
for k, target in enumerate(angles_dict):
if target not in used_up_targets:
- observed_angles = angles_dict[target] # Observed angles from perspective of one target
+ observed_angles = angles_dict[
+ target
+ ] # Observed angles from perspective of one target
single_target_scores = []
used_up_observed_angles = []
for i, ideal_angle in enumerate(subsignature):
@@ -426,7 +726,9 @@ def metal_complexation(metals, metal_binding_lig, metal_binding_bs):
# Calculate RMS for target angles
- target_total = sum([x ** 2 for x in single_target_scores]) ** 0.5 # Tot. score targ/sig
+ target_total = (
+ sum([x ** 2 for x in single_target_scores]) ** 0.5
+ ) # Tot. score targ/sig
if target_total < best_target_score:
best_target_score = target_total
best_target = target
@@ -436,9 +738,20 @@ def metal_complexation(metals, metal_binding_lig, metal_binding_bs):
# Total score is mean of RMS values
geometry_total = np.mean(geometry_scores)
# Record the targets not used for excluding them when deciding for a final geometry
- [not_used.append(target) for target in angles_dict if target not in used_up_targets]
- all_total.append(gdata(geometry=geometry, rms=geometry_total, coordination=coo,
- excluded=not_used, diff_targets=coo_diff))
+ [
+ not_used.append(target)
+ for target in angles_dict
+ if target not in used_up_targets
+ ]
+ all_total.append(
+ gdata(
+ geometry=geometry,
+ rms=geometry_total,
+ coordination=coo,
+ excluded=not_used,
+ diff_targets=coo_diff,
+ )
+ )
# Make a decision here. Starting with the geometry with lowest difference in ideal and observed partners ...
# Check if the difference between the RMS to the next best solution is not larger than 0.5
@@ -449,31 +762,59 @@ def metal_complexation(metals, metal_binding_lig, metal_binding_bs):
this_rms, next_rms = total.rms, next_total.rms
diff_to_next = next_rms - this_rms
if diff_to_next > 0.5:
- final_geom, final_coo, rms, excluded = total.geometry, total.coordination, total.rms, total.excluded
+ final_geom, final_coo, rms, excluded = (
+ total.geometry,
+ total.coordination,
+ total.rms,
+ total.excluded,
+ )
elif next_total.rms < 3.5:
- final_geom, final_coo, = next_total.geometry, next_total.coordination
+ final_geom, final_coo, = (
+ next_total.geometry,
+ next_total.coordination,
+ )
rms, excluded = next_total.rms, next_total.excluded
elif i == len(all_total) - 2:
- final_geom, final_coo, rms, excluded = "NA", "NA", float('nan'), []
+ final_geom, final_coo, rms, excluded = "NA", "NA", float("nan"), []
# Record all contact pairing, excluding those with targets superfluous for chosen geometry
- only_water = set([x[0].location for x in contact_pairs]) == {'water'}
+ only_water = set([x[0].location for x in contact_pairs]) == {"water"}
if not only_water: # No complex if just with water as targets
- logger.info(f'metal ion {metal.type} complexed with {final_geom} geometry (coo. number {final_coo}/ {num_targets} observed)')
+ logger.info(
+ f"metal ion {metal.type} complexed with {final_geom} geometry (coo. number {final_coo}/ {num_targets} observed)"
+ )
for contact_pair in contact_pairs:
target, distance = contact_pair
if target.atom.idx not in excluded:
metal_orig_atom = metal_to_orig_atom[metal]
- restype_l, reschain_l, resnr_l = whichrestype(metal_orig_atom), whichchain(
- metal_orig_atom), whichresnumber(metal_orig_atom)
- contact = data(metal=metal, metal_orig_idx=metal_to_id[metal], metal_type=metal.type,
- target=target, target_orig_idx=target.atom_orig_idx, target_type=target.type,
- coordination_num=final_coo, distance=distance, resnr=target.resnr,
- restype=target.restype, reschain=target.reschain, location=target.location,
- rms=rms, geometry=final_geom, num_partners=num_targets, complexnum=cnum + 1,
- resnr_l=resnr_l, restype_l=restype_l, reschain_l=reschain_l)
+ restype_l, reschain_l, resnr_l = (
+ whichrestype(metal_orig_atom),
+ whichchain(metal_orig_atom),
+ whichresnumber(metal_orig_atom),
+ )
+ contact = data(
+ metal=metal,
+ metal_orig_idx=metal_to_id[metal],
+ metal_type=metal.type,
+ target=target,
+ target_orig_idx=target.atom_orig_idx,
+ target_type=target.type,
+ coordination_num=final_coo,
+ distance=distance,
+ resnr=target.resnr,
+ restype=target.restype,
+ reschain=target.reschain,
+ location=target.location,
+ rms=rms,
+ geometry=final_geom,
+ num_partners=num_targets,
+ complexnum=cnum + 1,
+ resnr_l=resnr_l,
+ restype_l=restype_l,
+ reschain_l=reschain_l,
+ )
return filter_contacts(pairings)