path: root/api.py
diff options
authorNavan Chauhan <navanchauhan@gmail.com>2023-12-26 19:29:33 +0530
committerNavan Chauhan <navanchauhan@gmail.com>2023-12-26 19:29:33 +0530
commite3b1b64e5a8771869c7a70f59df5bd5707ca66bf (patch)
tree8b5ce036950bb73fffb0331404f1f3dedbdbee53 /api.py
parent7348c6ea2a628d7ad72e73b3c51ff624768f1727 (diff)
excel2graph api
Diffstat (limited to 'api.py')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/api.py b/api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d99ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, HTTPException
+from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse
+from io import BytesIO
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+font_path = 'times_new_roman.ttf'
+times_new_roman = font_manager.FontProperties(fname=font_path, style='normal')
+class PlotDataRequest(BaseModel):
+ x_data: list[float] = Field(..., title="X Data", description="Data Series for the X axis")
+ y_data: list[float] = Field(..., title="Y Data", description="Data Series for the Y axis")
+ std_dev_data: list[float] = Field([], title="Error Bars Data", description="Data Series for calculating error bars")
+ label: list[str] = Field("Dataseries", title="Label", description="Label for the data series")
+ color_picker: list[str] = Field(["#000000"], title="Color Picker", description="List of colors to use for the data series")
+ x_label: str = Field("X Axis", title="X Axis Label", description="Label for the X axis")
+ y_label: str = Field("Y Axis", title="Y Axis Label", description="Label for the Y axis")
+ title: str = Field("Plot", title="Title", description="Title of the plot")
+ enable_trendline: bool = Field(True, title="Enable Trendline", description="Enable trendline")
+ enable_grid: bool = Field(False, title="Enable Grid", description="Enable grid")
+ x_axis_scale: str = Field("linear", title="X Axis Scale", description="Scale of the X axis")
+ y_axis_scale: str = Field("linear", title="Y Axis Scale", description="Scale of the Y axis")
+ constant_line_vals: list[float] = Field([], title="Constant Line Values", description="List of values for the constant line")
+ constant_line_name: list[str] = Field([], title="Constant Line Names", description="List of names for the constant line")
+app = FastAPI()
+def plot_data(x_data, y_data, std_dev_data, color_picker, labels, df,
+ title = "Plot", x_label = "X Axis", y_label = "Y Axis",
+ plot_background_color="#ffffff", constant_line=[],
+ enable_trendline=True, enable_grid=False,
+ trendline_color="#000000", x_axis_scale="linear", y_axis_scale="linear"):
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=300)
+ plots = []
+ for idx, _ in enumerate(x_data):
+ x = df[x_data[idx]].astype(float)
+ y = df[y_data[idx]].astype(float)
+ color = color_picker[idx]
+ data_series_title = labels[idx]
+ if (std_dev_data[idx] != None):
+ plot = ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=df[std_dev_data[idx]].astype(float), fmt='o', ecolor='black', capsize=5, color=color, label=data_series_title)
+ else:
+ plot = ax.plot(x, y, 'o', color=color, label=data_series_title)
+ if (type(plot) == list):
+ plots.extend(plot)
+ else:
+ plots.append(plot)
+ handles = plots
+ if enable_trendline:
+ x = df[x_data[0]].astype(float)
+ y = df[y_data[0]].astype(float)
+ z = np.polyfit(x, y, 2)
+ p = np.poly1d(z)
+ h, = ax.plot(x,p(x), linestyle="dashed", label="Trendline", color=trendline_color)
+ handles.append(h)
+ light_grey = 0.9
+ dar_grey = 0.4
+ for idx, line in enumerate(constant_line):
+ val, name = line
+ idx += 1
+ grey_shade = light_grey - (light_grey - dar_grey) * (idx / len(constant_line))
+ color = (grey_shade, grey_shade, grey_shade)
+ h = ax.axhline(y=val, linestyle='--', color=color, label=name)
+ handles.append(h)
+ ax.grid(True,linestyle=(0,(1,5))) # enable_grid)
+ ax.set_facecolor(plot_background_color)
+ ax.set_xlabel(x_label, fontproperties=times_new_roman)
+ ax.set_ylabel(y_label, fontproperties=times_new_roman)
+ title = title.replace(' in ', '\nin ')
+ ax.set_title(title, wrap=True, fontproperties=times_new_roman)
+ for label in (ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()):
+ label.set_fontproperties(times_new_roman)
+ print(handles)
+ print(handles[0])
+ print(handles[0].get_label())
+ labels = [h.get_label() for h in handles]
+ ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='best', prop=times_new_roman)
+ fig.patch.set_facecolor(plot_background_color)
+ fig.tight_layout(pad=3.0)
+ #ax.invert_xaxis()
+ ax.set_xscale(x_axis_scale)
+ ax.set_yscale(y_axis_scale)
+ return fig
+async def create_plot(request: PlotDataRequest, data: Request):
+ print(data)
+ if len(request.x_data) != len(request.y_data):
+ raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="X and Y data must be the same length")
+ if len(request.constant_line_vals) != len(request.constant_line_name):
+ raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Constant line values and names must be the same length")
+ constant_line = list(zip(request.constant_line_vals, request.constant_line_name))
+ # Create DF from request.x_data and request.y_data -> assign column header as x_data and y_data
+ df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(request.x_data, request.y_data)), columns=["X", "Y"])
+ # if request.std_dev_data exists, add to df
+ if len(request.std_dev_data) > 0:
+ df["STD_DEV"] = request.std_dev_data[0]
+ x_data = ["X"]
+ y_data = ["Y"]
+ if len(request.std_dev_data) > 0:
+ std_dev_data = ["STD_DEV"]
+ else:
+ std_dev_data = [None]
+ labels = request.label
+ fig = plot_data(x_data, y_data, std_dev_data, request.color_picker, labels, df,
+ title=request.title, x_label=request.x_label, y_label=request.y_label,
+ enable_trendline=request.enable_trendline, enable_grid=request.enable_grid,
+ constant_line=constant_line,
+ x_axis_scale=request.x_axis_scale, y_axis_scale=request.y_axis_scale)
+ buf = BytesIO()
+ fig.savefig(buf, format="png")
+ buf.seek(0)
+ return StreamingResponse(buf, media_type="image/png")