path: root/Content/posts
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authornavanchauhan <>2022-05-22 12:20:59 -0600
committernavanchauhan <>2022-05-22 12:20:59 -0600
commit8b56f067823153f21fafac102bfa05ac41110983 (patch)
tree380534dda0e3d17c51dbe7a0643fffb418d4e5b1 /Content/posts
parent2e510fedcfb58d99b7bf63cb908ea5107dd96433 (diff)
parent27dc62cf3bd9686f30d66071701b3d2558874090 (diff)
fixing conflicts
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+date: 2022-05-21 17:56
+description: Building a Content Based Similar Movies Recommendatiom System
+tags: Python, Transformers, Recommendation-System
+# Building a Similar Movies Recommendation System
+## Why?
+I recently came across a movie/tv-show recommender, []( I loved it. I decided that I wanted to build something similar, so I could tinker with it as much as I wanted.
+I also wanted a recommendation system I could use via a REST API. Although I have not included that part in this post, I did eventually create it.
+## How?
+By measuring the cosine of the angle between two vectors, you can get a value in the range [0,1] with 0 meaning no similarity. Now, if we find a way to represent information about movies as a vector, we can use cosine similarity as a metric to find similar movies.
+As we are recommending just based on the content of the movies, this is called a content based recommendation system.
+## Data Collection
+Trakt exposes a nice API to search for movies/tv-shows. To access the API, you first need to get an API key (the Trakt ID you get when you create a new application).
+I decided to use SQL-Alchemy with a SQLite backend just to make my life easier if I decided on switching to Postgres anytime I felt like.
+First, I needed to check the total number of records in Trakt’s database.
+import requests
+import os
+trakt_id = os.getenv("TRAKT_ID")
+api_base = ""
+headers = {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ "trakt-api-version": "2",
+ "trakt-api-key": trakt_id
+params = {
+ "query": "",
+ "years": "1900-2021",
+ "page": "1",
+ "extended": "full",
+ "languages": "en"
+res = requests.get(f"{api_base}/search/movie",headers=headers,params=params)
+total_items = res.headers["x-pagination-item-count"]
+print(f"There are {total_items} movies")
+There are 333946 movies
+First, I needed to declare the database schema in (``):
+import sqlalchemy
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine
+from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, MetaData, ForeignKey, PickleType
+from sqlalchemy import insert
+from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
+from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
+meta = MetaData()
+movies_table = Table(
+ "movies",
+ meta,
+ Column("trakt_id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
+ Column("title", String),
+ Column("overview", String),
+ Column("genres", String),
+ Column("year", Integer),
+ Column("released", String),
+ Column("runtime", Integer),
+ Column("country", String),
+ Column("language", String),
+ Column("rating", Integer),
+ Column("votes", Integer),
+ Column("comment_count", Integer),
+ Column("tagline", String),
+ Column("embeddings", PickleType)
+# Helper function to connect to the db
+def init_db_stuff(database_url: str):
+ engine = create_engine(database_url)
+ meta.create_all(engine)
+ Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
+ return engine, Session
+In the end, I could have dropped the embeddings field from the table schema as I never got around to using it.
+### Scripting Time
+from database import *
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import requests
+import os
+trakt_id = os.getenv("TRAKT_ID")
+max_requests = 5000 # How many requests I wanted to wrap everything up in
+req_count = 0 # A counter for how many requests I have made
+years = "1900-2021"
+page = 1 # The initial page number for the search
+extended = "full" # Required to get additional information
+limit = "10" # No of entires per request -- This will be automatically picked based on max_requests
+languages = "en" # Limit to English
+api_base = ""
+database_url = "sqlite:///jlm.db"
+headers = {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ "trakt-api-version": "2",
+ "trakt-api-key": trakt_id
+params = {
+ "query": "",
+ "years": years,
+ "page": page,
+ "extended": extended,
+ "limit": limit,
+ "languages": languages
+# Helper function to get desirable values from the response
+def create_movie_dict(movie: dict):
+ m = movie["movie"]
+ movie_dict = {
+ "title": m["title"],
+ "overview": m["overview"],
+ "genres": m["genres"],
+ "language": m["language"],
+ "year": int(m["year"]),
+ "trakt_id": m["ids"]["trakt"],
+ "released": m["released"],
+ "runtime": int(m["runtime"]),
+ "country": m["country"],
+ "rating": int(m["rating"]),
+ "votes": int(m["votes"]),
+ "comment_count": int(m["comment_count"]),
+ "tagline": m["tagline"]
+ }
+ return movie_dict
+# Get total number of items
+params["limit"] = 1
+res = requests.get(f"{api_base}/search/movie",headers=headers,params=params)
+total_items = res.headers["x-pagination-item-count"]
+engine, Session = init_db_stuff(database_url)
+for page in tqdm(range(1,max_requests+1)):
+ params["page"] = page
+ params["limit"] = int(int(total_items)/max_requests)
+ movies = []
+ res = requests.get(f"{api_base}/search/movie",headers=headers,params=params)
+ if res.status_code == 500:
+ break
+ elif res.status_code == 200:
+ None
+ else:
+ print(f"OwO Code {res.status_code}")
+ for movie in res.json():
+ movies.append(create_movie_dict(movie))
+ with engine.connect() as conn:
+ for movie in movies:
+ with conn.begin() as trans:
+ stmt = insert(movies_table).values(
+ trakt_id=movie["trakt_id"], title=movie["title"], genres=" ".join(movie["genres"]),
+ language=movie["language"], year=movie["year"], released=movie["released"],
+ runtime=movie["runtime"], country=movie["country"], overview=movie["overview"],
+ rating=movie["rating"], votes=movie["votes"], comment_count=movie["comment_count"],
+ tagline=movie["tagline"])
+ try:
+ result = conn.execute(stmt)
+ trans.commit()
+ except IntegrityError:
+ trans.rollback()
+ req_count += 1
+(Note: I was well within the rate-limit so I did not have to slow down or implement any other measures)
+Running this script took me approximately 3 hours, and resulted in an SQLite database of 141.5 MB
+## Embeddings!
+I did not want to put my poor Mac through the estimated 23 hours it would have taken to embed the sentences. I decided to use Google Colab instead.
+Because of the small size of the database file, I was able to just upload the file.
+For the encoding model, I decided to use the pretrained `paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2` model for SentenceTransformers, a Python framework for SOTA sentence, text and image embeddings. I wanted to use a multilingual model as I personally consume content in various languages (natively, no dubs or subs) and some of the sources for their information do not translate to English. As of writing this post, I did not include any other database except Trakt.
+While deciding how I was going to process the embeddings, I came across multiple solutions:
+* [Milvus]( - An open-source vector database with similar search functionality
+* [FAISS]( - A library for efficient similarity search
+* [Pinecone]( - A fully managed vector database with similar search functionality
+I did not want to waste time setting up the first two, so I decided to go with Pinecone which offers 1M 768-dim vectors for free with no credit card required (Our embeddings are 384-dim dense).
+Getting started with Pinecone was as easy as:
+* Signing up
+* Specifying the index name and vector dimensions along with the similarity search metric (Cosine Similarity for our use case)
+* Getting the API key
+* Installing the Python module (pinecone-client)
+import pandas as pd
+import pinecone
+from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
+from tqdm import tqdm
+database_url = "sqlite:///jlm.db"
+PINECONE_KEY = "not-this-at-all"
+batch_size = 32
+pinecone.init(api_key=PINECONE_KEY, environment="us-west1-gcp")
+index = pinecone.Index("movies")
+model = SentenceTransformer("paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2", device="cuda")
+engine, Session = init_db_stuff(database_url)
+df = pd.read_sql("Select * from movies", engine)
+df["combined_text"] = df["title"] + ": " + df["overview"].fillna('') + " - " + df["tagline"].fillna('') + " Genres:- " + df["genres"].fillna('')
+# Creating the embedding and inserting it into the database
+for x in tqdm(range(0,len(df),batch_size)):
+ to_send = []
+ trakt_ids = df["trakt_id"][x:x+batch_size].tolist()
+ sentences = df["combined_text"][x:x+batch_size].tolist()
+ embeddings = model.encode(sentences)
+ for idx, value in enumerate(trakt_ids):
+ to_send.append(
+ (
+ str(value), embeddings[idx].tolist()
+ ))
+ index.upsert(to_send)
+That's it!
+## Interacting with Vectors
+We use the `trakt_id` for the movie as the ID for the vectors and upsert it into the index.
+To find similar items, we will first have to map the name of the movie to its trakt_id, get the embeddings we have for that id and then perform a similarity search. It is possible that this additional step of mapping could be avoided by storing information as metadata in the index.
+def get_trakt_id(df, title: str):
+ rec = df[df["title"].str.lower()==movie_name.lower()]
+ if len(rec.trakt_id.values.tolist()) > 1:
+ print(f"multiple values found... {len(rec.trakt_id.values)}")
+ for x in range(len(rec)):
+ print(f"[{x}] {rec['title'].tolist()[x]} ({rec['year'].tolist()[x]}) - {rec['overview'].tolist()}")
+ print("===")
+ z = int(input("Choose No: "))
+ return rec.trakt_id.values[z]
+ return rec.trakt_id.values[0]
+def get_vector_value(trakt_id: int):
+ fetch_response = index.fetch(ids=[str(trakt_id)])
+ return fetch_response["vectors"][str(trakt_id)]["values"]
+def query_vectors(vector: list, top_k: int = 20, include_values: bool = False, include_metada: bool = True):
+ query_response = index.query(
+ queries=[
+ (vector),
+ ],
+ top_k=top_k,
+ include_values=include_values,
+ include_metadata=include_metada
+ )
+ return query_response
+def query2ids(query_response):
+ trakt_ids = []
+ for match in query_response["results"][0]["matches"]:
+ trakt_ids.append(int(match["id"]))
+ return trakt_ids
+def get_deets_by_trakt_id(df, trakt_id: int):
+ df = df[df["trakt_id"]==trakt_id]
+ return {
+ "title": df.title.values[0],
+ "overview": df.overview.values[0],
+ "runtime": df.runtime.values[0],
+ "year": df.year.values[0]
+ }
+### Testing it Out
+movie_name = "Now You See Me"
+movie_trakt_id = get_trakt_id(df, movie_name)
+movie_vector = get_vector_value(movie_trakt_id)
+movie_queries = query_vectors(movie_vector)
+movie_ids = query2ids(movie_queries)
+for trakt_id in movie_ids:
+ deets = get_deets_by_trakt_id(df, trakt_id)
+ print(f"{deets['title']} ({deets['year']}): {deets['overview']}")
+[55786, 18374, 299592, 662622, 6054, 227458, 139687, 303950, 70000, 129307, 70823, 5766, 23950, 137696, 655723, 32842, 413269, 145994, 197990, 373832]
+Now You See Me (2013): An FBI agent and an Interpol detective track a team of illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with the money.
+Trapped (1949): U.S. Treasury Department agents go after a ring of counterfeiters.
+Brute Sanity (2018): An FBI-trained neuropsychologist teams up with a thief to find a reality-altering device while her insane ex-boss unleashes bizarre traps to stop her.
+The Chase (2017): Some FBI agents hunt down a criminal
+Surveillance (2008): An FBI agent tracks a serial killer with the help of three of his would-be victims - all of whom have wildly different stories to tell.
+Marauders (2016): An untraceable group of elite bank robbers is chased by a suicidal FBI agent who uncovers a deeper purpose behind the robbery-homicides.
+Miracles for Sale (1939): A maker of illusions for magicians protects an ingenue likely to be murdered.
+Deceptors (2005): A Ghostbusters knock-off where a group of con-artists create bogus monsters to scare up some cash. They run for their lives when real spooks attack.
+The Outfit (1993): A renegade FBI agent sparks an explosive mob war between gangster crime lords Legs Diamond and Dutch Schultz.
+Bank Alarm (1937): A federal agent learns the gangsters he's been investigating have kidnapped his sister.
+The Courier (2012): A shady FBI agent recruits a courier to deliver a mysterious package to a vengeful master criminal who has recently resurfaced with a diabolical plan.
+After the Sunset (2004): An FBI agent is suspicious of two master thieves, quietly enjoying their retirement near what may - or may not - be the biggest score of their careers.
+Down Three Dark Streets (1954): An FBI Agent takes on the three unrelated cases of a dead agent to track down his killer.
+The Executioner (1970): A British intelligence agent must track down a fellow spy suspected of being a double agent.
+Ace of Cactus Range (1924): A Secret Service agent goes undercover to unmask the leader of a gang of diamond thieves.
+Firepower (1979): A mercenary is hired by the FBI to track down a powerful recluse criminal, a woman is also trying to track him down for her own personal vendetta.
+Heroes & Villains (2018): an FBI agent chases a thug to great tunes
+Federal Fugitives (1941): A government agent goes undercover in order to apprehend a saboteur who caused a plane crash.
+Hell on Earth (2012): An FBI Agent on the trail of a group of drug traffickers learns that their corruption runs deeper than she ever imagined, and finds herself in a supernatural - and deadly - situation.
+Spies (2015): A secret agent must perform a heist without time on his side
+For now, I am happy with the recommendations.
+## Simple UI
+The code for the flask app can be found on GitHub: [navanchauhan/FlixRec]( or on my [Gitea instance](
+I quickly whipped up a simple Flask App to deal with problems of multiple movies sharing the title, and typos in the search query.
+### Home Page
+![Home Page](/assets/flixrec/home.png)
+### Handling Multiple Movies with Same Title
+![Multiple Movies with Same Title](/assets/flixrec/multiple.png)
+### Results Page
+![Results Page](/assets/flixrec/results.png)
+Includes additional filter options
+![Advance Filtering Options](/assets/flixrec/filter.png)
+Test it out at [](
+## Current Limittations
+* Does not work well with popular franchises
+* No Genre Filter
+## Future Addons
+* Include Cast Data
+ * e.g. If it sees a movie with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, then it will boost similar movies including them
+ * e.g. If it sees the movie has been directed my McG, then it will boost similar movies directed by them
+* TV Shows
+* Multilingual database
+* Filter based on popularity: The data already exists in the indexed database \ No newline at end of file